Brimhaven is a pirate town located in north-western Karamja and is only accessible to members. There are several ways to get to Brimhaven, the quickest being the Teleport to House spell, assuming the player's house is in Brimhaven. More ways include the Charter Ships, the Amulet of Glory teleport to Musa Point, or via the ship from East Ardougne (requires 30 coins).
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- Brimhaven
- Brimhaven
- Brimhaven
- Brimhaven
- Brimhaven
| - Brimhaven ligger på den nordlige halvøya av Karamja. Man må være member for å komme dit, og det er en av piratbyene. Det finnes en quest i byen, og den heter Tribal Totem. Brimhaven har også en båt til Ardougne. Båten dit koster 30 coins, men er gratis hvis du bruker ring of charos (a).
- Brimhaven is a pirate town located in north-western Karamja and is only accessible to members. There are several ways to get to Brimhaven, the quickest being the Teleport to House spell, assuming the player's house is in Brimhaven. More ways include the Charter Ships, the Amulet of Glory teleport to Musa Point, or via the ship from East Ardougne (requires 30 coins).
- Brimhaven is een piratenstad (en tevens de hoofdstad van Karamja) in het noordwesten van Karamja. Het is alleen toegankelijk voor Members. Er zijn verschillende wegen om in Brimhaven te komen, de snelste is Teleport to House als je huis in Brimhaven staat. Je kan ook via de Charter Ships, Spirit Tree planten in het farming patch, Amulet of Glory en dan teleporten naar Musa Point en via het schip van Port Sarim.
- Brimhaven on alue RuneScapessa, joka on vain P2p-pelaajille. Se sijaitsee Karamjan saarella, Musa Pointista länteen. Täältä saa musiikit: Jolly-r ja 7th relam Siellä sijaitsee Brimhaven Agility Arena, Player-owned House-portaali ja koko pelin ainoa amulettikauppa.
- Brimhaven is a town located on the west side of Karamja. It is mostly inhabited by pirates. It also has a port that leads to Ardougne allowing a safe alternative route for new players entering Kandarin. To get to Ardougne from Brimhaven, go to the north of Brimhaven where there is a dock and talk to the Customs Official, it will cost 30 gp to board the ship and ride to Ardougne.
- A cidade de Brimhaven localiza-se na parte noroeste da grande ilha de Karamja, encontra-se a leste do Porto Khazard, a norte da aldeia de Tai Bwo Wannai, a oeste do vulcão de Karamja e do Ponto da Musa, a sudeste de Bruxedos e de Ardonha Oriental, a sul da Plataforma de Pesca e a sudoeste de Crandor. Pode-se chegar até lá andando em direção a oeste desde o ponto da musa, pelo navio que fica na parte mais a sudeste de Ardonha Oriental ou por meio do teleporte da árvore espiritual que requer nível 83 de agricultura para ser plantada.
- Brimhavenas (Brimhaven) yra nedidelis piratų miestelis šiaurės vakarinėje Karamjos (Karamja) salos dalyje. Čia gali patekti tik mokantys žaidėjai.
- Brimhaven is home to the Agility Arena where players test their Agility levels in a dangerous area. The arena is safe to traverse with a good supply of food.
- Brimhaven was a prominent colony world under that was ultimately under the governance of the United Nations Space Command.
- Brimhaven is a members-only pirate town located on northwestern Karamja.
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