| - Pioneers are combat engineers employed by American Joint Strike Force commanders.
- Pioneers are the engineers of the United States Joint Strike Force.
- The pioneer is one concentrated point of a vast collection. He becomes conscious by concentration or concentrates to become conscious.
- The Dutch, Germans, Ottomans, British and Spanish require "Frontier Defenses"-card unlocked before unlocking Pioneers.
* For all except British, unlocking Pioneers enables "Improved Buildings"-card to be unlocked. Portuguese and Russians require "Colonial Militia"-card to be unlocked first.
* Portuguese enables the unlocking of "TEAM Improved Walls"-card.
* French are the only civilization that has Pioneers ready to be unlocked. The French also get to unlock "Improved Buildings"-card.
* The Aztecs start with Pioneers in their deck.
- “Go as pioneers. . . to a land of peace,” the Lord commanded Brigham Young and the select group who were going with him to prepare the way for the Mormon colonization of the western frontier” (MD, p. 513). And so they did. From all over the world Mormon converts gathered to go to the land of Zion.
| - “Go as pioneers. . . to a land of peace,” the Lord commanded Brigham Young and the select group who were going with him to prepare the way for the Mormon colonization of the western frontier” (MD, p. 513). And so they did. From all over the world Mormon converts gathered to go to the land of Zion. These groups of people came mostly from Europe, often from the British Isles and Scandinavia (hence the abundance of English, Irish, Scottish, Norwegian, and Swedish names in modern Utah. Utah also has perhaps a larger share of Scandinavian blonds than most states in the country). They came from various economic backgrounds. Certainly among them were those who had no or little money, but the Church also attracted a good share of those who left rich farms and estates behind them. Many had first gone to Missouri or Illinois, and, because of religious persecution, had been driven from their homes there and had lost almost all they had. They stopped in Nebraska and created a settlement dubbed Winter Quarters because the Saints spent the winter there. They needed to strengthen themselves, shelter themselves from the bitter winter, and gather resources for the final leg of their journey. From Winter Quarters some pioneers rode in Conestoga or other wagons covered overhead with canvas. Some rode on horse, mules, or other animals. Frequently they walked. The route they took from Nebraska to Utah came to be called The Mormon Trail. Today the Mormon Trail contains markers beside it, but in those days many unmarked graves were dug beside it. Children were also born beside it. The first group of pioneers to cross the plain experienced extreme heat. Later pioneers, who had been delayed, experienced extreme cold. On the trek across the plains to the wild desert and mountain regions of Utah, all the groups of people suffered similar hardships of adverse weather, hunger, fatigue, illness, and death.
- Pioneers are combat engineers employed by American Joint Strike Force commanders.
- Pioneers are the engineers of the United States Joint Strike Force.
- The pioneer is one concentrated point of a vast collection. He becomes conscious by concentration or concentrates to become conscious.
- The Dutch, Germans, Ottomans, British and Spanish require "Frontier Defenses"-card unlocked before unlocking Pioneers.
* For all except British, unlocking Pioneers enables "Improved Buildings"-card to be unlocked. Portuguese and Russians require "Colonial Militia"-card to be unlocked first.
* Portuguese enables the unlocking of "TEAM Improved Walls"-card.
* French are the only civilization that has Pioneers ready to be unlocked. The French also get to unlock "Improved Buildings"-card.
* The Aztecs start with Pioneers in their deck. This card increases Villager, Settler, Coureur des Bois and Settler Wagon hitpoints greatly.