Thorkell is one of the two Pumas that accompany the old sage, seer and wizard Asmund. The other puma is called Melar.
Thorkell (トルケル, Torukeru), also known as Thorkell the Tall, was a Jomsviking battalion commander and is considered the strongest Viking. He has a passion for fighting and fights with two axes as his weapons.
Thorkell is one of the two Pumas that accompany the old sage, seer and wizard Asmund. The other puma is called Melar.
Thorkell (トルケル, Torukeru), also known as Thorkell the Tall, was a Jomsviking battalion commander and is considered the strongest Viking. He has a passion for fighting and fights with two axes as his weapons. Thorkell is a former fellow Jomsviking commander and friend of Thors, Thorkell is an extremely tall and mighty and above all jovial warrior based on the historical/mythological figure of the same name. He left though when the war was over and he considered the army 'boring' as they were undefeatable. Therefore, he joined the English forces as he considered this more interesting because they were 'weak and pathetic'. He has his own band of Blood Knights defined by their tendency to switch to whichever side is losing so they'll have the stronger side to fight against. He is also Thorfinn's great-uncle.