| - A weapon art for the Frostblade. A blizzard ices over the battlefield. Substantial mystic damage to all foes.
- Snowblind is a mutated Pantran Whitefang and one of the world bosses for Hoth.
- Snowblind is a song from Silent Hill: Origins. It is track 20 in the game's soundtrack and was composed by Akira Yamaoka. It plays at Riverside Motel, after the cutscene where Travis Grady encounters Michael Kaufmann and Lisa Garland. The song's title and role in the game is likely related to the 1972 song "Snowblind" by heavy metal band Black Sabbath, which is about cocaine addiction. A white, powdery drug (speculated to be PTV) is present in the room Michael and Lisa had occupied, and as revealed in Silent Hill, Lisa was addicted to the drug.
- Snowblind ("Cegado por la nieve") es una canción del juego Silent Hill: Origins. La canción es la pista número 20 del disco Silent Hill: Zero Original Soundtracks. Fue compuesta por Akira Yamaoka. La canción suena en el motel Riverside, luego de la escena donde Travis Grady se encuentra con Michael Kaufmann y Lisa Garland. Categoría:Música Categoría:Pistas de Silent Hill: Zero Original Soundtracks Categoría:Música instrumental
- Snowblind was the name of a giant Pantran Whitefang living on Hoth until 3642 BBY, when it was killed on the Snowblind's Hunting Grounds.
- Patient to the extreme, willing to wait millennia or longer to see a goal accomplished or victory achieved. Prefers to work through subtle actions that go largely unnoticed until their cumulative effect becomes inescapable ruin for her targets. Coolly neutral, Snowblind bears no true malice to her foes but will nonetheless carry out any order given to her. In robot mode, possesses a cryo-laser rifle capable of precision strikes at up to two miles away. In reaper drone mode, she makes use of silent flight to scout for and mark unwary targets, making them easy prey for oncoming allies. Vulnerable without accompanying brute force, and can become lost in the here-and-now due to excessive focus on the bigger picture.
- Misc:
* Creation Date: 24 May 2011
* Creation Rank: 1 (Cliath)
* Departure Date: 2011 Notes: A new arrival from Glacier's Blood, seeking opportunity that did not exist in his birth Sept. He did not stay long however. His current status is unknown. Metis Flaw: Albino (including the bad eyesight).
- Snowblind is a Black Sabbath cover, released onto the Osbourne Family Album. Also in the bootleg Storaged Melodies.
- thumb|328px full|right|335pxSnowblind es un Pack de mapas para Gears of War 2 en el que se incluyen varios mapas con nieve. El Pack salió a la venta el 31 de Marzo, costando 800 Microsoft Points, pero después su precio bajó a 400.
- The level picks up where Crack the Sky left off and starts with Bravo-Two out on the frozen lake headed towards the downed satellite. Once they get there, Sweetwater explains that they won't be able to get the black box from it until it cools off. Just then, an explosion is heard to the right. More Russians show up and try to destroy the satellite with M2 Carl Gustav rocket launchers. After this section is clear, more approach from the other side, and soon a Mi-24 approaches with another rocketeer on board. Once they are all killed and the chopper is downed, a blizzard starts to set in while Redford and Haggard leave to try and find transport. As Sweetwater and Preston try and get the black box off of the satellite, Sweetwater decides to look for Sarge and heads off, leaving Preston with t
- Snowblind Faaly Snowblind Faaly Kategorie:Bilderwünsche Datei:Icon Human Female.png Datei:Icon Paladin.png Realm Forscherliga Volk 18px Menschen Kategorie:Mensch Kategorie:Inaktiver Charakter Allianz Klasse 18px Paladin Kategorie:Paladin Lordaeron Eltern Mutter Vater Geschwister