Reflection recognition comes slower to some species than others but by now most Hypnotic Dragons can finally focus on the productive applications of their powerful mesmeric abilities, like helping amnesiacs recover lost memories and helping Dragon Mother remember where she left her keys.
An old Caretaker's tale tells of a man who spilled a glass of water in a young Hypnotic Dragon's habitat and failed to clean it up. When he returned that night the creature was locked in a trance with its own reflection in the puddle and the man had to bring in an Epic Form Hypnotic Dragon to break the spell.
When preparing a nursery for a soon-to-hatch baby Hypnotic Dragon it is essential to remove all mirrors and reflective surfaces from the room. Like all newborns, these creatures are unable to recognize their own reflections and there is great risk that the dragon will lock itself in a hypnotic trance.
Prior to the return of Epic Form Hypnotic Dragons, Caretakers exhausted themselves keeping their islands secret from the normal world. With Hypnotic Dragons' ability to erase memories from humans, Caretakers can relax and simply address problems as they arise.