| - You know people...Empire didn't have an ending either. .... 06:55, 8 January 2007 (UTC) Indeed... but at least it was more, complete.~~ Commander Jorrel Fraajic File:Wiki-shrinkable.png Communications Relay ~~ 16:06, 10 January 2007 (UTC)
* Empire had an ending compared to KOTOR2. Bad guys won; good guys got away. Each character is accounted for, though none of their goals seem resolved. In KOTOR2, while we know what becomes of Malachor and can gather that the Exile will soon go Revan-hunting, we still have no idea what's going on with Bao-Dur or what came of the GO-TO/remote confrontation (The remote overcame GO-TO and destroyed Malachor? How the Sithspit did that happen?!). It, like the current status of the rest of the Exile's party members, seems to subtley vaporize into obscurity. -BaronGrackle 16:32, 19 January 2007 (UTC)