| - Lisette is one of Jillian's sisters who loves to tease Marie and had been best friends with Lucia. She has chocolate brown hair with red streaks, pale skin, and blue eyes. She is good friends with Giovanna, Rachel, and Yoko. She is enemies with Jillian's friends Monique, and Scarlett. Her favorite color is yellow. She is the champion of Golf, Frisbee Dog, and Basketball.
- Lisette (ストロベリー, Sutoroberī, Strawberry en japonais, Liz en anglais, Natalia en espagnol, Ruth en allemand) est un crocodile apparaissant comme villageoise uniquement dans Animal Crossing en Europe. Elle fait aussi une apparition dans Animal Forest, Dōbutsu no Mori + et Dōbutsu no Mori e+ qui sont trois versions exclusivement japonaises.
- Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategorii Lisette – postać występująca w The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
- Lisette ist eine weibliche Bretonin und ist von Beruf her Bardin in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
- Lisette is one of Beatrice's lackeys at the Tristanian Academy of Magic who bullied Tiffania.
- Lisette es una bardo bretona que vive y trabaja en la ciudad de Soledad durante los acontecimientos de The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
- As with all bards, she takes requests, being able to play three songs. She notes that as a bard, her pay is not very good; however, being surrounded by friends and good music is all she asks for.