The Energon animated series aired in the US from January 2004 to June 2005 for 52 episodes, in support of the toyline of the same name. It is a direct sequel to Armada and forms the second part of the "Unicron Trilogy". The show takes place ten years after the finale of Armada, opening in an age of peace on Cybertron and Earth which is destined not to last long. Energon pits the Autobots against an array of villains: the reborn Megatron, the barely functional Unicron, and the mysterious Alpha-Q and his Terrorcon minions. Preceded by: Armada Followed by: Cybertron
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| - The Energon animated series aired in the US from January 2004 to June 2005 for 52 episodes, in support of the toyline of the same name. It is a direct sequel to Armada and forms the second part of the "Unicron Trilogy". The show takes place ten years after the finale of Armada, opening in an age of peace on Cybertron and Earth which is destined not to last long. Energon pits the Autobots against an array of villains: the reborn Megatron, the barely functional Unicron, and the mysterious Alpha-Q and his Terrorcon minions. Preceded by: Armada Followed by: Cybertron
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| - * Megatron/Galvatron
* Cyclonus/Snowcat
* Demolishor
* Starscream
* Tidal Wave/Mirage
* Shockblast
* Six Shot
Combiner teams
* Construction Team / Constructicon Maximus
** Steamhammer
** Bonecrusher
** Duststorm
** Sledge
** Wideload
* Destruction Team / Bruticus Maximus
** Barricade
** Blackout
** Blight
** Kickback
** Stormcloud
- * Optimus Prime
** Prime Force
* Hot Shot
* Inferno/Roadblock
* Ironhide
* Jetfire
* Wing Saber
* Omega Supreme
Team Rodimus
* Rodimus
* Prowl
* Landmine
Team Bulkhead
* Bulkhead
* Cliffjumper
* Downshift
* Arcee
* Signal Flare
* Skyblast
* Strongarm
* Rhyming Omnicon Fanboys
Combiner team
*Air Team / Superion Maximus
** Storm Jet
** Sky Shadow
** Terradive
** Treadshot
** Windrazor
- * Kicker
* Misha Miramond
* Brian Jones
* Alexis
* Carlos Lopez
* Miranda Jones
* Rad White
* Sally Jones
- * Alpha Quintesson
* Primus
* Unicron
* Scorponok
* Battle Ravage/Command Ravage
* Divebomb/Blackout
* Cruellock
* Insecticon
| - The Energon animated series aired in the US from January 2004 to June 2005 for 52 episodes, in support of the toyline of the same name. It is a direct sequel to Armada and forms the second part of the "Unicron Trilogy". The show takes place ten years after the finale of Armada, opening in an age of peace on Cybertron and Earth which is destined not to last long. Energon pits the Autobots against an array of villains: the reborn Megatron, the barely functional Unicron, and the mysterious Alpha-Q and his Terrorcon minions. Energon, like Armada, was written and animated in Japan and dubbed for US consumption. The series introduced to Transformers cartoons the technique of combining cel-shaded computer animation with 2D cel-animation, creating a fusion between the CGI of Beast Wars/Machines and traditionally animated series such as Robots in Disguise. Preceded by: Armada Followed by: Cybertron
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