Allegiances, are presented in the opening pages of Tallstar's Revenge. Characters that were excluded from an Allegiances list, but appeared in the book, will be listed following the formal allegiances list.
Attributes | Values |
| - Tallstar's Revenge/Allegiances
| - Allegiances, are presented in the opening pages of Tallstar's Revenge. Characters that were excluded from an Allegiances list, but appeared in the book, will be listed following the formal allegiances list.
| - Cedarstar-very dark gray tom with a white belly
- Hailstar-thick-pelted gray tom
- Heatherstar-pinkish-gray she-cat with blue eyes
- Pinestar-red-brown tom with green eyes
| |
| - Featherpaw-N/A*Leopardpaw-N/A*Patchpaw-N/A*
- Frogpaw-N/A*Newtpaw-N/A*Ashpaw-N/A*
- Softpaw-N/A*Whitepaw-N/A*
- Doepaw-light brown she-catStagpaw-dark brown tomRyepaw-gray tabby she-cat
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| - Weedwhisker-pale orange tom with yellow eyesMumblefoot-brown tom with amber eyesLarksong-tortoiseshell she-cat with pale green eyes
- Troutclaw-gray tabby tomTanglefur-long-haired tabby with thick knotted peltBirdsong-tabby-and-white she-cat with ginger patches around her muzzle, flecked with gray
- Littlebird-small ginger tabby she-catLizardfang-light brown tabby tom with one hooked toothSilverflame-orange-and-gray she-cat
- Whiteberry-small pure-white tomFlamepelt-dark ginger tomLilywhisker-light brown she-catFlailfoot-black tom
| - Moonflower-silver-gray she-cat with pale yellow eyesPoppydawn-long-haired dark brown she-cat
- Echomist-long-haired gray she-catLilystem-pale gray she-cat
- Palebird-black-and-white she-catBrackenwing-pale ginger she-catMeadowslip-gray she-cat
- Featherstorm-dark brown tabbyBrightflower-orange tabbyPoolcloud-gray-and-white she-cat
| - Reedfeather-light brown tabby tom
- Shellheart-dappled gray tom
- Stonetooth-gray tabby tom with long teeth
- Sunfall-bright ginger tom with yellow eyes
| - Sagewhisker-white she-cat with long whiskers
- Hawkheart-mottled gray-and-brown tom with yellow eyes
- Goosefeather-speckled gray tom with pale blue eyesApprentice, Featherpaw
- Brambleberry-white she-cat with black spotted fur, blue eyes, and a pink nose
| - Crowtail-black tabby she-catBrackenfoot-pale ginger tom with dark ginger legsArcheye-gray tabby tom with black stripes and thick stripe over eyeApprentice, Frogpaw'Hollyflower-dark-gray-and-white she-catApprentice, Newtpaw'Mudclaw-gray tom with brown legsToadskip-dark brown tabby tom with white splashes and white legsApprentice, AshpawNettlespot-white she-cat with ginger flecksMousewing-thick-furred black tomDeerleap-gray tabby she-cat with white legsAmberleaf-dark orange she-cat with brown legs and earsFinchflight-black-and-white tomBlizzardwing-mottled white tomLizardstripe-pale brown tabby she-cat with white belly
- Stormtail-blue-gray tom, blue eyesDappletail-tortoiseshell she-catAdderfang-mottled brown tabby tom with yellow eyesTawnyspots-light gray tabby tomHalftail-big dark brown tabby tom with part of his tail missing and yellow eyesSmallear-gray tom with very small ears and amber eyesRobinwing-small, energetic brown she-cat with ginger patch on her chest and amber eyesApprentice, Leopardpaw'Fuzzypelt-black tom with fur that perpetually stands on end and yellow eyesApprentice, Patchpaw'Windflight-gray tabby tom with pale green eyes
- Moor Runners'Redclaw-dark ginger tomHareflight-light brown tomAspenfall-gray-and-white tomApprentice, Doepaw'Cloudrunner-pale gray tomApprentice, Stagpaw'Dawnstripe-pale gold tabby she-cat with creamy stripesLarksplash-tortoiseshell-and-white she-catApprentice, Ryepaw'Appledawn-rose-cream she-catTunnelersSandgorse-pale ginger tomWoollytail-gray-and-white tomHickorynose-brown tomMistmouse-light brown tabby she-catPlumclaw-dark gray she-cat
- Rippleclaw-black-and-silver tabby tomTimberfur-brown tomApprentice, WhitepawMudfur-long-haired light brown tomOwlfur-brown-and-white tomOttersplash-pale ginger-and-white she-catMarshcloud-brown tabby tom, stout and short-tailedMudthorn-brown tom with black earsBrightsky-nimble white-and-ginger she-catPiketooth-skinny brown tabby tom with narrow face and protruding canine teethLakeshine-long-haired gray-and-white she-catShimmerpelt-night-black she-cat with glossy peltFallowtail-light brown she-cat with blue eyesApprentice, Softpaw
| - Allegiances, are presented in the opening pages of Tallstar's Revenge. Characters that were excluded from an Allegiances list, but appeared in the book, will be listed following the formal allegiances list.