| - Sonic the Hedgehog and Sally Acorn are among a huge crowd in the Coliseum of New Mobotropolis; everyone's there for a Forget Me Knots concert. Sonic tells Sally to relax, but given recent events, Sally finds that difficult. Sonic brushes her concerns off, saying they're there to enjoy the concert, even if Mina Mongoose's music may not be Sally's favourite. Sally is baffled by this claim, saying she owns all of Mina's previous albums. Sonic says he had assumed she wasn't a fan since, when Mina's career took off, Sally had always seemed to get quiet when she was mentioned. Sally blushes and admits that at the time, she had thought Mina had been trying to date Sonic and had been a little jealous. Embarrassed, they both realize that the should have talked more at the time to have avoided any misunderstandings. Teasingly, Sonic points out that they've been hanging out together a lot lately; he asks if he should be concerned about Monkey Khan attacking him out of jealousy. Sally points out that Ken Khan is busy rebuilding his homeland, and that she had spoken with him and had decided to spend more time finding out what she wanted instead of making rash decisions. Arm in arm, the two suddenly notice a shy NICOLE, who asks if this will make her a third wheel, but Sally is overjoyed to see her. Sonic says he likes NICOLE's new look (her avatar has been reconfigured into a different outfit) and NICOLE explains she had programmed something new for the event, as, she explains, looking self-conscious, that she wasn't sure she'd be completely welcome in public. Sonic brushes this off, finding the notion ridiculous, but NICOLE continues to look unsure; she says that people are still shaken over the Iron Dominion's occupation. She adds that, connected to the city's systems, she's been hearing people talk. Sally tries to reassure her, saying that between the Iron Dominion and the Destruction of Knothole, the people are jumpy, but that they'll calm down eventually. Sonic chimes in, saying that tonight is all about relaxing, and that they're not going to worry about anything, including how Dr. Eggman is still unaccounted for, or what Geoffrey St. John has been up to... In the upper section of the Coliseum, Ixis Naugus literally slinks out of the shadows, dragging a violently gasping Geoffrey with him. A disapproving Naugus tells Geoffrey that "shadow-melding" is supposed to be stealthy, and that Geoffrey is making that pointless by "carrying on like that." Geoffrey, wheezing on the ground, says that it's the worse sensation there is, and then pointedly adds that Naugus shouldn't be complaining as he hadn't bothered to teach him much magic yet. Regaining his composure, Geoffrey points out that while his magical skills may be lacking, Naugus will need his other skills and experience if he hopes to take over the kingdom. He adds that because of his experience, he advises against what they're doing right now, saying there's too high a risk of being seen and that they'll need the element of surprise later. Naugus warns Geoffrey to not lecture him, and Geoffrey quickly backpedals, saying he did not intend to do so. Turning back to the crowd below, Naugus says that while Geoffrey's plans are good, they need something more, and that something is present here. Geoffrey wonders what it is, and Naugus replies, "The fear, Geoffrey... that poison fog of fear!" Meanwhile, in their trailer, the Forget Me Knots are preparing to go on stage. Mina hypes and encourages the other band members, telling them tonight that they're going to make a difference. She asks them if they're ready, and they all eagerly reply that they are (though Max the Monkey is nervous despite the enthusiasm). Mina tells them it's time to take the stage, and they leave. Then she turns to Ash with a strained, almost manic smile and admits she feels like throwing up -- she's scared that people will hate the new sound. Ash assures her that they won't, saying that they love Mina. With his encouragement, Mina takes the stage. She greets the people with a brief introduction and Sharps the Chicken begins to play. As the band begins the song's intro, the crowd is taken aback. Sally says it doesn't sound like Mina's older music at all, and Sonic eagerly agrees, greatly enjoying it. Sonic throws up the horns and rocks out and Sally and NICOLE dance together as Mina begins to sing: I lie awake in my bed just can't sleep full of dread will the nightmares come for me this time? In the day in the night never knowing full of fright why won't anyone listen? I can't always be jumping at shadows! I can't always be running away! I won't be afraid! I'll save myself! I won't be afraid! I'll save myself! Nicole stops dancing, looking shocked upon realizing the song is about her. Sonic continues to rock out, oblivious, but Sally realizes that something's up... She's everywhere everything but heroes aren't listening we're all left prone unprotected! It's painfully obvious they won't act it's up to us we won't live in fear of the city! We can't always be jumping at shadows! We can't always be running away! We won't be afraid! We'll save ourselves! We won't be afraid! We'll save ourselves! With Mina's encouragement, the crowd joins in for the chorus. NICOLE is horrified; Sonic, Sally and the nearby Espio all notice, but NICOLE utterly distressed and upset, runs off and literally disappears. In the upper levels of the Coliseum, Geoffrey comments that while he knew there was some concern over NICOLE and her nanites, he didn't realize it had gotten this bad. Naugus grins, saying it was -- and wasn't. Geoffrey realizes with some shock that Naugus is responsible -- he's using his magic to affect everyone's emotions and blowing them out of proportion. Naugus explains that just as he had done during the days of the Great War, he'll make the people want more than just reform; they'll be "baying for blood!" With the song finished, Mina thanks the crowd, saying she's glad to see such passion and motivation. She tells everyone that while the Freedom Fighters give their all to protect them from outside forces, they need them to help with things at home. She adds that as the government is now elected by the people, they need to listen to them. She pumps a fist in the air, telling them that they shouldn't be afraid and that they want change, to which the crowd eagerly agrees. However, Sally and Sonic share a glance, not quite liking the sound of things... After the concert, the Forget Me Knots approach their trailer through a throng of eager fans. Sipping a drink, Mina waves to the crowd, thanking them for coming. Ash drapes his jacket over her shoulders, congratulating her on the performance. However, the soon notice that the band has stopped in front of the trailer. Max, uneasy, tells the two to go ahead, saying, "You know them better than us." Mina and Ash are surprised to find Sonic and Sally already in the trailer. Sally looks pensive. Ash is not exactly pleased to find them like this; he tells Sonic that if he wants an autograph, he can go line up outside with the other fans. Sonic bluntly tells him that Mina's music doesn't need any "dark and gloomy 'I'm so sad and misunderstood' baggage" and Ash is incensed; he begins to reply but Mina gently steps in. She tells Sonic that the new direction was her doing, and that she feels it's a message that needs to be heard -- especially by the Freedom Fighters. Sally explains that she feels that someone with Mina's popularity needs to be careful with the messages she sends, and begins to talk about responsibility, but Mina cuts her off; she feels that it's irresponsible to have let Nicole remain in power even after she, Bunnie "Rabbot" D'Coolette and Monkey Khan were all taken advantage of by the Iron Queen. Growing angry, she tells Sally that while she and Sonic were off in the Dragon Kingdom, they were left back in the city with Iron NICOLE a constant threat. Mina tells Sally that while she was busy "talking politics," she was witnessing people being Legionized -- she ends by telling the princess she's not one to talk about responsibility. Sonic protests, saying it wouldn't have helped anything if they had stayed behind and been captured as well, but Sally cuts him off, standing. She approaches Mina and says she has one thing to add about NICOLE: that she was in fact no longer being controlled by the Iron Queen when they left, and that she maintained the act in order to protect as many people as she could. NICOLE also saw all the Legionizing first hand. Furthermore, Sally adds, NICOLE was in fact present for Mina's concert. This catches Mina by surprise, and with everyone now uneasy, Sonic and Sally leave the trailer, leaving Mina looking unsure. Sonic and Sally make their way through the crowd of Forget Me Knots fans; the effect of the concert (with influence from Naugus) becomes apparent as the crowd rumbles about Nicole. One person tells the "computer" to stop spying on them, while another wonders if she'll feel pain if the scenery is stomped on; others praise Knothole and talk about structures made of brick rather than nanites. Reaching the trees beyond the crows, Sonic is indignant; he mutters that Eggman should come back, if only to see how quickly the people go from distrusting Nicole to begging her to protect them. Sally tells him to not say such things; she gently calls out to Nicole, asking her to talk with them rather than hide, saying they're still her friends. In the Coliseum, Naugus watches over the scene, amused, while Geoffrey looks less than impressed. Naugus says that once the people's terror has festered and grown, they'll beg him to save them.