| - Deuterium, chemical symbol D, is fat hydrogen. Forty five atoms of dueterium are known created in the chaos of the big bang. Scientists found them all in a house in Illinois. They first thought there were only forty-two atoms and were pondering whether this might be the answer to the ultimate question but then they found the other three down the sofa. Before the atoms were taken to a laboratory for further investigation they were exposed to a salad and reverted to normal hydrogen. In recent yeards it hads been shown that Deuterium can be created when normal non-fat hydrogen is left in contact with fast food or dark matter for more then 17.8 seconds.
- Deuterium är en isotop av väte (väte-2) och ersätter väte-1 i vatten bildar tungt vatten. Deuterium är känd för att ha använts av Tau'ri och Eurondaner, vilket är vad drivs deras teknologi. Deuterium kan även användas för att skapa kärnstridsspetsar. (SG1: "The Other Side")
- Deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen (hydrogen-2) and replaces hydrogen-1 in water to form heavy water. The deuterium is known to have been used by the Tau'ri and Eurondans, which is what powered their technology. Deuterium can also be used to create nuclear warheads. (SG1: "The Other Side")
- Deuterium bliver udvundet ved hjælp af Deuteriumsyntetisereren. Deuterium er det sjældneste råstof, og da det samtidigt er meget brugt, er det derfor meget værdifuldt. Det bruges til de fleste forskninger og til nogle skibe. Først og fremmest bruges deuterium dog som brændstof for rumskibe, hvilket er essentielt for alle spillere, når man er kommet et stykke hen i spillet. Deuterium bruges derudover også til enkelte bygninger.
- Deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen that has one proton and one neutron in its nucleus. This makes it the most efficient possible isotope to use for nuclear fusion. Atomic mass: 2.01355321270 u Chemical symbol: D
- Deuterium is a rod that can be used as either fuel or in recipes. It can be found by putting water in the Advanced Centrifuge. It can also be extracted from planets atmospheres with the Atmospheric Condenser.
- Deuterium is a double dense hydrogen-carbon, a rare resource found in deep oceans. It was used as fuel for many spacecraft engine types and thrusters. Generally used in "chips" or "flakes", also can be mentioned as "crystals", "fuel/spacefuel" or even "resource(s)". Commonly used in trade/barter for other goods.
- Deteryum, metal, kristal. Bunlar hammaddedir bir şeyler yapmakta kullanılır.
- Deuterium is used as a fuel for warp drive, but mostly it is used as a drug(like pot).
- Deuterium is a fictional liquid element for Powder Game.
- Deuterium, (chemical symbol 2H) also known as heavy hydrogen, is a stable isotope of hydrogen. Deuterium has a single proton and neutron. It occurs in less than one-half of one percent of naturally-occurring hydrogen. In the Federation, deuterium is supplied to starships and other installations via fuel carriers. Starships would also supplement their supplies of deuterium by the use of Bussard collectors, which gather deuterium and other interstellar particles for use on board ships. (TNG reference: Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual)
- Deuterium, also known as "deut", is one of the three main resources in the game. Deuterium (also known as heavy hydrogen, or heavy water) is a hydrogen atom with an additional neutron and is very well suited as fuel for ships because of the high energy yield and easy ignition of the Deuterium-Deuterium and Deuterium-Tritium fusion reactions. Deuterium is found in the deep sea due to its molecular weight. Upgrading the Deuterium Synthesizer enables deeper sea harvesting of this resource. In game, deuterium has three major applications:
- Deuterium is an isotope of the chemical element Hydrogen (chemical symbol H). Hydrogen contains only one proton in its nucleus. Protium contains only the proton, deuterium's nucleus contains one neutron in addition to the proton, and tritium contains two neutrons. Deuterium nuclei produce a great deal of energy when fused together into helium nuclei. This is the fusion reaction that occurs in the sun and all other stars. So, deuterium is a primary fuel source for Covenant starship reactors.
- Deuterium, ook wel zwaar water genoemd, is een isotoop van waterstof, bestaande uit één proton, één neutron, en een elektron die eromheen cirkelt. De meeste waterstofmoleculen hebben geen neutron(en). Natuurlijk voorkomend water is in minder dan 1% van de gevallen deuterium. Deuterium vormt samen met de antistof anti-deuterium de basisbrandstof bij stof-antistof reacties, zoals die in de kern van een Warp reactor. Het werd in grote hoeveelheden opgeslagen in sterrenschepen om die reden. (TNG: "Heart of Glory", "Night Terrors," enz...)
- Deuterium, oder auch Schwerer Wasserstoff genannt, ist ein Isotop von Wasserstoff, dessen Kern aus einem Proton und einem Neutron besteht. Deuterium befindet sich mitsamt seinem Antimaterie-Gegenstück Antideuterium als Treibstoff an Bord von Raumschiffen, insbesondere von Schiffen mit Warpantrieben, welche ihre Energie aus einer Materie-Antimaterie-Reaktion beziehen und wird in Tanks gelagert. (TNG: ) Raumschiffe tanken ihr Deuterium auf Sternenbasen. (TNG: ) Darüber hinaus dient Deuterium auch als Treibstoff für den Impulsantrieb und die Hilfsfusionsreaktoren. (TNG: )
- Materialart: Raumschiff-Treibstoff Deuterium, oder auch schwerer Wasserstoff genannt, ist ein Isotop von Wasserstoff, dessen Kern aus einem Proton und einem Neutron besteht. Deuterium befindet sich mitsamt seinem Antimaterie-Gegenstück Antideuterium als Treibstoff an Bord von Raumschiffen der Menschen, welche ihre Energie aus einer Materie-Antimaterie-Reaktion beziehen. Deuterium wird für gewöhnlich an Bord in gesicherten Tanks zentral im Rumpf gelagert.
- Deuterium, also called heavy hydrogen, is a stable isotope of hydrogen with a natural abundance in the oceans of Earth of approximately one atom in 6500 of hydrogen (~154 PPM). Deuterium thus accounts for approximately 0.015% (on a weight basis, 0.030%) of all naturally occurring hydrogen in the oceans on Earth (see VSMOW; the abundance changes slightly from one kind of natural water to another). Deuterium abundance on Jupiter is about 2.25·10-5 (about 22 atoms in 1,000,000 or 15% of the terrestrial deuterium-to-hydrogen ratio); these ratios presumably reflect the early solar nebula ratios, and those after the Big Bang. However, other sources suggest a much higher abundance of e.g. 6·10-4 (6 atoms in 10,000 or 0.06% atom basis). There is little deuterium in the interior of the Sun, since t
- Deuterium (or heavy hydrogen) is an isotope of hydrogen which contains one proton and one neutron in its nucleus (or deuteron), and one electron orbiting the nucleus (whereas the most common isotope of hydrogen lacks any neutron particle). Naturally-occurring hydrogen consists of less than 1% deuterium. The antimatter counterpart of deuterium is antideuterium. Deuterium was one element in "Silver Blood", a biomimetic lifeform native to a Y-class planet in the Delta Quadrant. Other components of the "Silver Blood" were hydrogen sulfate, dichromates, and proteins. (VOY: "Demon")
- Deuterium, även känt som tungt väte, är en av spelets resurser. Deuterium är en väteatom med en extra neutron och passar särskilt bra som bränsle till skepp p.g.a. den höga energivinsten från reaktionen vid en Deuterium-Tritium-fusion. Deuterium hittas på djupt vatten i sjöar p.g.a. dess molekylvikt. Uppgraderingar av Deuteriumplattformen möjliggör utvinning av Deuterium på ännu djupare vatten. Dess mest utbredda användningsområde är som bränsle för alla sorters skeppmotorer, men används även till att konstruera vissa byggnader och för att utveckla vissa teknologier. Deuterium kan precis som Metall och Kristall stjälas i en räd. Mängden Deuterium som produceras av en Deuteriumplattform varje timme kan beräknas med den här formeln: