- RAW originated from TWWF (Tropical World Wrestling Federation), Which was developed in 1980 by Alexander Zanyan and Greg Mercer.During its Early development ECW's owner promised Zanyan to support the wrestling company by Greg fighting Raven. Then later in 1995 RAW became a wrestling company supported by ECW. MORE COMING SOON
- City of Junon Polis : (5603,5034)
- RAW means "rules as written" - an interpretation of the rules given by a strict reading of the text itself.
- A RAW file is a simple 8-bit graphic file format in which there is no header information and consists of an unformatted series of one-byte indexed values that point to a color table in an ACT file. It uses a 1:1 pixel-to-color scale. That is, there are just as many bytes as there are pixels. It is the main image format used in Monster Truck Madness.
- "Raw" is the eighth episode of Season Five of Californication
- Decision expected by FIFA on Iraq 05/25/08 Soccer's ruling body could make a decision Tuesday on whether Australia's World Cup qualifier against Iraq in Brisbane on Sunday will go ahead.
- RAW (rules as written) Dungeons & Dragons is an informal term for interpreting published rules as literally as possible, while adopting no house rules. In contrast to RAI (rules as intended), which attempts to discern the developer intent underlying the rules, RAW avoids modifications to the rules except in cases of literal ambiguity.
- RAW éum dos 3 programas na WWE. O seu campião é o Jonh Cena que é o WWE world champion.
- "Raw" is the sixth episode of the seventh season of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. It was released on November 1, 2005.
- Raw (2008) is a 6-minute documentary directed by Shelly Roby.
- RAW is an uncompressed headerless bitmap image file format used in Carnivores, Carnivores 2, Carnivores Ice Age, and Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter. The images are grayscale, with one byte per pixel, but vary in size between games.
- RAW (англ. Rules Аs Written, «по букве правил») — подход к толкованию правил, при котором участники игры соглашаются строго следовать букве правил, приведенной в их источнике, и отказываются домысливать их в любой форме. При этом участники считают, что если какой-то эффект, возможность или объект игрового мира не описаны в правилах явно, они не существуют.
- CHDK supports two raw formats: DNG and "CHDK Raw".
* DNG is open industry standard, and is compatible with many standard image processing programs. To shoot DNG, you must first use 'create badpixel.bin' in the raw menu. See the CHDK User manual for more information.
* "CHDK raw" is not in any standard format. Technically it's not a format at all, it's just a dump of the camera sensor. This means that different models raws are in different formats, and programs which support CHDK raw need to be updated for new models. Some programs which do support CHDK raws from many models are listed in Software#RAW_related.
- La primera edición de RAW, fue transmitida el 10 de marzo de 2008, para crear ambiente para el PPV WrestleMania XXIV, durante esa semana también ingresaron los programas de ECW y SmackDown!. Dicha edición contó con luchas como Umaga vs. John Cena, Randy Orton vs. Kevin Nash y Goldberg vs. Cryme Tyme en un Handicap Match. Desde dicha edición, cada semana se ha realizado una edición de RAW, preferentemente los días lunes, aunque algunas ediciones especiales tomaron lugar en otros días de la semana.
- Raw Like nearly everyone in Tin Man, Raw, played by Raoul Trujillo, is based on a character from The Wizard of Oz: in this case, the Cowardly Lion. Similarly to the others, he serves the same plot function while being a much different individual. Fictional biography Eventually Raw conquers his demons and becomes a brave individual, defending a pre-pubescent Viewer from the sadistic Alchemist whom he overpowers and apparently kills. He plays an integral in the final battle to destroy Azkadellia's Machine at the climax of the series.
- Prime Minister's Office, 10 Downing Street The Prime Minister's Office at 10 Downing Street, London, UK has set the standard for Governments all over the world with an innovative approach to digital communications. Its core offering is a website built on the open source wordpress platform which features a bespoke video player and array of social media tools. The team pioneered the ePetitions system in which 7 million British people have taken part; launched 'Ask the PM' in which Gordon Brown answers video questions from YouTube users; and Mr. Brown became the first Head of Government in Europe to embrace 'Twitter'. The website receives an average of 2 million unique users each month and it's most popular ePetition was signed by 1.8 million people.
- Seriendaten Deutscher Titel: ------- RAW Originaltitel: --------- RAW Produktionsland: ------- USA Produktionsjahr(e): ----- seit 1993 Produzent: -------------Vince McMahon Episodenlänge:----- etwa 120 Minuten Originalsprache: ------- Englisch (AE) Titellied: ------ "To Be Loved" von Papa Roach Genre: -- Wrestling, Sport - Unterhaltung Erstausstrahlung: -- 11. Januar 1993 (USA)auf USA Network Seit dem 21. Januar 2008 wird die Show auf USA Network in HD übertragen.
- Raw is the sixth episode of the seventh season of Law and Order: SVU. A six-year-old boy dies in a school shooting and two other children are severely injured. Despite multiple and unreliable descriptions by both kids and adults, one of the injured boys identifies a troubled student named Johnny Mayhew, who is found to be innocent, mainly because the gun is a pistol rather than the high-powered rifle used in the killing spree. As kids are returned to school, one terrified little girl is noticed by the detectives. Doctor Huang questions her and she eventually reveals that she was being molested by a man named Mr. Buggesi, whose name she mispronounced as "Mr. Bug Eyes," and threatened to shoot her with a gun that was as tall as she was. As Cragen and Stabler go to his apartment in order to q