| - Once daily, you can withdraw 100 unnoted pure essence from your Wicked hood and get 2 free teleports to any altar. If you have purchased the other 3 parts of the wicked robes set , this amount increases to 175 and gives you a third teleport.
Nature runes are a viable option for runecrafting with the hood. Starting at level 91, you can make 2 nature runes per essence. To maximise profit, you can bring an additional 54 pure essence each of the three trips by having a small, medium, large, and giant pouch to hold a total of 30 essence and fill the remaining 24 slots in your inventory with pure essence. During one of the trips, pull all 175 pure essence out from the hood and craft them into the Nature runes. By the end, you will have 674 Nature runes crafted.
You can get some additional runes if you also use a massive runecrafting pouch ; and if you completed the quest Hero's Welcome, which gives 5% extra runes.
Having a summoning familiar that can hold rune essence will further increase the amount of runes you can hold. The Abyssal parasite , Abyssal lurker , and Abyssal titan hold 7, 12, and 20 essence respectively.