| - Zenai was out in Hyrule Field, going to do what he did best (which was terrorize the public). Technically, he was going to go to Ordon Village and gloat over his success in capturing Link. As he was riding his horse towards Ordon Village (he had two guards with him), he noticed the silhouette of a person out of the corner of his right eye. It looked strangely familiar. So he decided to investigate. What he saw quite astounded him. It was a tall, thin young man (no more than 18) wearing a black cloak. His hair was jet black, and his eyes were yellow-green. But he looks so familiar to Zenai... "Wha...? The peasant boy, Link?! But...but he's locked up in the dungeons! It CAN'T be him!" The stranger looked around and saw Zenai. "Who're you?" he asked. "Who're you?" Zenai asked. "Are you Link, the peasant boy?" "Who?" the stranger asked. "Hmph. Never mind. You're obviously too stupid to understand what I'm saying," Zenai said contemptuously. This definitely got the stranger's attention. "What?" he growled. "Are you deaf, too? Ugh, never mind. I have no time for morons like you." He wheeled his horse around and started to go the other way, but the stranger promptly dashed in front of Zenai's horse, blocking the path. An ancient, golden longsword was clutched in his left hand. Zenai's horse reared up on its hind legs in terror and dumped its master onto the ground. "Ow! Wha...how DARE you?! Just who do you think you are?!" Zenai cried out, both enraged and flustered. The black-garbed stranger had his sword pointed at Zenai's throat. "My name in unimportant to you. Realise nothing but this; you've made an enemy for life." Zenai was really angry now. "Guards!" he yelled. "Get him!" Both of Zenai's guards charged the stranger. The first one to get there was slain almost instantly. The second one stopped dead in his tracks. But the stranger charged at him and with one swing of his sword, the other guard was dead. Zenai was utterly speechless. The stranger turned and looked at Zenai, his yellow-green eyes now burning red. "And believe me," he said. "I am a very dangerous enemy." With that, he turned and left, leaving Zenai alone with only his frightened horse and his two dead guards. Inside of the sewers, Lank, Skrap and Ritori were making their way through. It wasn't so easy. Skrap wasn't kidding about the Skulltulas being the size of horses, and the Keese were very aggressive, biting and clawing constantly at the three sewer spelunkers. The only weapons available were some sticks scattered about, and while they took care of the weak Keese, they did nothing more than aggravate the Skulltulas, escpecially when the sticks were on fire. Soon Lank, Skrap and Ritori were being chased by five of the man-eating spiders. "Are you sure there isn't another way into the castle?!" Lank cried out. "Positive!" Skrap yelled back. The Skulltulas shrieked and howled. Suddenly Lank saw something. "There! A ledge!" he yelled. The three climbed onto the ledge, which led to a small passageway. They scampered inside just as one of the Skulltulas struck out with its massive fangs. The fangs were an inch from Ritori's tail. "That was too close," she said. "This passageway seems to go somewhere...maybe we should follow it?" Lank asked. "It could take us to the inside of the castle! Let's go!" said Skrap. So they followed the passageway. Much to our heroes' delight, it did lead into the castle; the inside of a tower staircase. They jumped off of the ledge and onto the stairs. "Do we go up or down?" Skrap asked. "My brother has to be in the dungeons, and I'm pretty sure those are in the basement. So we should go down." said Lank. So they did. They went through the big double doors and found themselves in an elaborate hallway. "This place is huge!" said Lank. "How will we find the basement?" "Easy. We check every door," Skrap replied. "But...there are so many doors!" "Well, I don't think we should ask for directions. If we get caught, we're dogmeat." So the three began to check every door they could. Unfortunately, every door led to even more doors, and none of those doors led to the dungeons. As all hope seemed lost, Ritori found a staricase leading down. "Guys!" she squeaked. "I found the basement!" "At last! I was starting to get tired!" said Skrap. So the three went down the stairs.