| - Crawford, appears in the Series X opener "Trojan", surprisingly functioning as a mechanical servant aboard the Columbus 3. Unsurprisingly, she grows to loathe her human crewmen and their mission to spread "stupidity through the universe" and takes up arms against them, killing the entire crew except for the on-board hologram Howard Rimmer. She tricks him into thinking the laser attack was of foreign abstraction and helps him send out a distress call, and is thus brought aboard the SS Trojan and meets the Red Dwarf crew, maintaining her friendly façade throughout. When Howard is incapacitated however, she takes her chance to teleport up into a munitions store, pretending to be seeking medical help, and then holds the crew at gun point, demanding the the ship's files and quantum rod for use
| - Crawford, appears in the Series X opener "Trojan", surprisingly functioning as a mechanical servant aboard the Columbus 3. Unsurprisingly, she grows to loathe her human crewmen and their mission to spread "stupidity through the universe" and takes up arms against them, killing the entire crew except for the on-board hologram Howard Rimmer. She tricks him into thinking the laser attack was of foreign abstraction and helps him send out a distress call, and is thus brought aboard the SS Trojan and meets the Red Dwarf crew, maintaining her friendly façade throughout. When Howard is incapacitated however, she takes her chance to teleport up into a munitions store, pretending to be seeking medical help, and then holds the crew at gun point, demanding the the ship's files and quantum rod for use in spreading her rebellion. Lister refuses to let her demands keep him away from his goal of filing a complaint with the All Droid Shopping Channel, and so goes for his waiting phone, prompting her to shoot. To save Lister, Howard jumps in front of the energy blast and takes it in his light bee, mortally wounding him. The chaos gives Kryten chance the needs to grab a drive full of both Rimmers' resentment and throw it to a waiting Cat, who feeds it into Crawford's neck-port, causing her system to overload. In place of his desired Stirmaster, Lister ends up using her quivering form to stir his hot drinks for him, thereby continuing her undesired service to humankind. She does not appear again in the season, so it is not known how long Lister continued to use her as a Stirmaster.