| - Rune was a male Mon Calamari Jedi who served the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic during the final decades before the rise of the Galactic Empire.
- A rune is a kind of upgrade that is applied to a character's armor. Runes differ from insignia - the other kind of armor upgrade - in that runes add a suffix modifier to the armor, whereas insignia add a prefix modifier. Each piece of armor can be upgraded with one insignia and one rune.
- Rune es un personaje secundario de la novela Especies en Peligro Rune era un ecologista, y amigo de Oscar. Organizó un viaje a Australia para protestar contra Luis Arreglo y la Q-Corp. Viajó allí junto Oscar, Faith Harrington, Mo, y Z-Man.
- Runes were symbols representing various sound values, belonging to a runic alphabet. Runes were studied at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry under the subject "Study of Ancient Runes".
- In both Norse mythology and history, the runes were ancient letters used in the earliest alphabets of the Norse. The Runic language is also known as Futhark because of the first 6 letters.
- Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategorii Rune – Cesarski, złodziej i członek Gildii złodziei w Skyrim.
- Rune eli riimu on maaginen kivi, jolla on tärkeä osa RuneScapen historiassa. Sen avulla ihmiset voivat harjoittaa Magic-taitoa, eli käyttää loitsuja. Runeja on monta erilaista, ja niitä voi tehdä Runecrafting-taidolla. Joitain runeja voivat tehdä vain jäsenet.
- Rune is the main protagonist of The Legend of Rune Trilogy. He is one of the two princes of the Dark Dragon Monarchy, as well as the distant descendant of Spyro and Cynder
- Runes are special items in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. They are functions added to the Sheikah Slate and Link can use them from it. Each rune is obtained from a Sheikah Monk upon completion of a trial in his Shrine found across Hyrule. Link upgrades the Sheikah Slate with a new Rune Ability by inserting the Sheikah Slate into a pedestal.
- Rune is the main protagonist of The Legend of Rune Trilogy. He is one of the two princes of the Dark Dragon Monarchy, as well as the distant descendant of Spyro and Cynder.
- Rune is Jackson Belleville's rather unpleasant and quirky cousin. We get to know him when Jackson and Sookie go on their first date, which is actually a double date with Rune and Lorelai because Jackson finds it difficult to get rid of Rune for the evening. Lorelai agrees to this, but regrets this decision upon encountering Rune for the first time. Lorelai also hires Rune to work at the inn in exchange for room and board, but we only see him once after this.
- Rune is a human covert operative for New Republic Intelligence.
- Rune bars can be made with one runite ore and eight pieces of coal at a furnace with level 85 smithing. Smithing any kind of rune equipment that can be smithed gives 75 experience times the number of bars it takes to smith that item. Rune equipment takes higher and higher levels of smithing to make, up to rune platebody, which requires level 99 smithing.
- Rune is the continent in which Shining Force: The Legacy of Great Intention and the first chapter of Shining Force Gaiden (and its remake in Shining Force CD) are set.
- Scribe Scroll - Characters who select Rune as one of their domains receive the Scribe Scroll feat for free.
- Det finnes flere artikler som inneholder ordet "Rune". Velg en side nedenfor eller opprett en hvis den ikke allerede eksisterer. Rune items kan bli laget ved å bruke en runite bar på en anvil. For å lage en runite bar trenger du 1 runite ore og 8 coal ore.
* Rune rustning
* Rune våpen
* Runite ore
* Rune bar
- Medlem av Twister sidan starten. Blei med som vokalist i Pearl den 29. juli 2006, og slutta i bandet i slutten av Januar 2007.
- Rune was a largest city on Quillan. It was taken over by the company known as Blok and was the starting point for the Quillan Games. Bobby Pendragon arrived on Rune in his adventures through the territory. In The Quillan Games, it was described as a corrupt and crowded city, full of empty stores and malls. According to Bobby, it was "nothing but a whole lot of gray," and its citizens were like zombies.
- Comme la puissance sacrée des Paladins, les runes sont nécessaires au Chevalier de la mort pour utiliser certaines techniques.Catégorie:Chevalier de la mort
- Rune of Runite kan verwijzen naar:
* Runite (metaal). Eén van de sterkste en populairste soorten metaal in het spel.
* Runite ore. De grondstof dat gemijnd kan worden met mining.
* Runite bar. Een metalen staaf, dat men bekomt door runite ore te smelten
* Rune equipment. De uitrusting die gemaakt wordt van de grondstof runite.
* Runes. De magic stenen die gebruikt worden om een spreuk uit te spreken voor de magic skill.
* Rune essence. Stenen die spelers gebruiken om runes van te maken.
* Pure essence.Stenen die spelers gebruiken om hoge runes van te maken.
* RuneScape. Het spel, dat ook wel eens "rune" wordt genoemd voor het gemak.
- Les runes sont des modificateurs permettant d'améliorer les armures. Liste des runes.
- Rune ist ein männlicher Kaiserlicher in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, und Dieb bei der Diebesgilde. Er ist Mitglied bei der Diebesgilde in Rifton. In einem Gespräch mit dem Drachenblut erzählt er, dass er ein Waisenkind ist und mit einer Kette mit Runen von seinem zukünftigen Ziehvater gefunden wurde, welcher ihm deswegen seinen Namen gab. Rune bittet das Drachenblut nach Hinweisen zu seiner Herkunft Ausschau zu halten. Dies war wohl als Quest gedacht, ist jedoch nie umgesetzt worden. Ein Brief, den man im Schrank der Diebesgilde sehen kann, deutet auch darauf hin.
- The runes are the building blocks of Glorantha, which can be symbolized to signs.
* The major runes are:
* The runes can be divided into the Power Runes, the Form Runes, the Condition Runes and the Elemental Runes
* Additional and cultural runes exist.
- Rune is a character appearing in the Tag Force series. He is a Ra Yellow student.
- A Rune is a pattern engraved on a foe by an Assassin, and is a skill unique to them. Once several patterns have been placed on an enemy, assassins can use various skills to remove them. Patterns contain various amount of damage and status debuffs, and once removed these effects are applied directly to the opponent. A maximum of five runes can be engraved by the assassin on a target.
- Rune is a minor character in the novelization Endangered Species Rune was an environmentalist, and a friend of Oscar. She attended a trip to Australia to protest against Luis Arreglo and the Q-Corp. organization. She went on the trip along with Oscar, Faith Harrington, Mo, and Z-Man.
- Le Rune vengono incise sulle lame per produrre spade d'argento di alta qualità. Ne servono tre, combinate in diversi modi per ottenere bonus speciali. Non possono essere usate nella spada d'acciaio. Le pietre runiche con effetti temporanei possono essere usate sia sulla spada d'acciaio sia sulla spada d'argento, per fornire bonus speciali alle lame che svaniscono entro un certo limite di tempo. Qui sotto trovate un elenco delle pietre runiche e degli effetti che danno alle spade.
- Rune is the kingdom that the Shining Force series is set in. To date, the following locations have been revealed to be, or are suggested to be, part of Rune:
* Granseal Island
* Hassan
* Ribble Geographic distance between the three named locations aren't particularly clear. Hassan is said to be a six hour flight from the Ancient Tower, while Ribble is a short distance away from the centaur village on foot. Despite this, the Zeonites were able to transfer ancient weapons from Ribble to the Ancient Tower in little time.
- Runes are magical orbs that contain various magical spells. Some runes are common such as fire and water runes. Other runes are very rare and can only be found on one character per game such as wrath or charm. Though the exact nature of where all runes come from is never explained in the series, most runes are said to be derived from the 27 True Runes and are simply minor emanations from them. So far in the series, there are four known types of runes: True Runes, Unique Runes, Common Runes, and then a fourth class that doesn't quite fit anywhere.
- Rune are objects like stone that have imbued magic powers or elemental energy(Psynergy/Magic/elements/etc) but if someone absorb a rune the power in that rune the person gets the power of the rune Ex: if I absorb a dark rune i will get darkness properties or dark element.
- Rune was one of the clones of Jemuel created by Dante Albrigant. He was very close to the real Jemuel power-wise although he had trouble drawing out all his mana. He resented the fact that he ended up playing second fiddle to Jemuel and believed himself to be superior to the original. He was sent to infiltrate the Grand Alliance during the Great War and guide them to the ruins underneath Lutherin to activate the reactor core with the Cricket Ball of Magic, which resulted in the Reactor Core Explosion as per Jemuel's master plan. Rune ended up befriending several Alliance members during his stay with them, however, which left him with conflicted loyalties although he ultimately chose to side with Jemuel's faction. He is believed to have perished after the founding of the Magicracy of Alent.
- Rune(ルーン) is one of the Gravity Children and the second in command of Tool Toul To and the oldest member of the team. He contains various robotic parts and keeps weapons on him at all times. He also values the regalia highly, shown when he said he would of cut off Isawa's arm and retrieve the Regalia by force when she was going to throw the new Wind Regalia. Rune at some point possessed his own Regalia, but it's current status and whereabouts are unknown.
- Catégorie:bouts Une Rune est un objet utilisé dans la compétence de Magie (Runes Catalytiques/Elementaires). Les Essences de Runes sont des runes non-chargées utilisées dans la compétence de Création de Runes. Il existe différentes sortes de runes qui sont utilisées pour diverses choses, que ce soit pour combattre ou non.
- The Runic alphabet was a system of writing based on angular shapes that could easily be carved into wood or stone. It originated and was used mainly in Northern Europe, by the Anglo-Saxons and the Norse tribes. One theory says that Runes evolved from Etruscan writing, however other quasi-runic scripts in other parts of the world (Rovásírás andOrkhon Script) also exist.
- Runa is storytelling-talent sparrowman who is appears only in the Disney Fairies Games. Always found in Sunray Plaza in the middle of Midsummer Hills. Rune will tell you a story every day, and special stories for the holidays - including your birthday. He bio states:
- Rune became the fifth King of Human Xanth in 378, succeeding Reitas. His talent was evocation. He is the son of Rana. Rune died in 378 and was succeeded by Jonathan. He is mentioned in Roc and a Hard Place.
- Rune – postać, występująca w Gothic 3. Jest to Nordmarczyk mieszkający w Klanie Wilka.
- Rune is an Imperial thief, and a member of the Thieves Guild in Riften.
- A rune is an enhancement that the summoner provides for their champion before a match on a Field of Justice begins to augment the champion's abilities. In lore, they are magical artifacts of immense power. Runes can only be purchased from the Riot Store with File:IpPoints.png Influence Points. Runes cannot be purchased with File:RpPoints.png Riot Points. Each rune grants a small bonus in a specific category, which stack upon each other to grant larger bonuses. Glyphs, marks, and seals stack up to 9 for increased effect, and quintessences stack up to 3.
- Rune was founded by Lord Agrippa and is the heart of the land in many ways. His elegant castle within the walls of Rune is home to some of the most famous knights. Rune is one of the oldest cities in Alyria, as it was one of the few to escape the Great Cataclysm intact. Adventurers come to Rune in search of exploration, for it is in Rune that all of Alyria comes together so that any information of interest may be found somewhere within its walls. Lord Agrippa regularly seeks adventurers to send on quests throughout the land so that all can be safe within the realm. __TOC__
- File:Quake1.gif Runes in Quake are the items the player must acquire before being allowed to fight Shub-Niggurath. There is one found at the end of each Episode. Each Rune represents one distinct facet of magic. The Rune of Earth Magic holds the basic foundation of all arcane power and is found in the Dimension of the Doomed. The Rune of Black Magic, twisted and treacherous, reveals the darker side of magic and is found in the aptly named Realm of Black Magic. The Rune of Hell magic burns with raw energy and keeps some of the most horrid secrets of the magical arts and is found in The Netherworld. Finally, the Rune of Elder magic, hidden in The Elder World, holds power beyond good and evil, too great for a simple mortal to comprehend.
- Une rune est un élément de jeu qu'utilisent les invocateurs afin de fournir des augmentations aux caractéristiques de leur champion lors d'un match. Les runes peuvent être acquises dans la boutique avec des points d'influence (PI). Elles augmentent les caractéristiques du champion soit directement au niveau 1, soit par niveau jusqu'au niveau 18. Elles ont aussi un palier allant de 1 à 3: Les paliers font qu'il y a des différences dans les bonus donnés ; les runes de palier 2 ont un effet moindre par rapport aux runes de palier 3 mais elles sont plus efficaces que les runes de palier 1.
- Une rune est un élément de jeu qu'utilisent les invocateurs afin de fournir des augmentations aux caractéristiques de leur champion lors d'un match. Les runes peuvent être acquises dans la boutique avec des points d'influence (PI). Elles augmentent les caractéristiques du champion soit directement au niveau 1, soit par niveau jusqu'au niveau 18. Elles ont aussi un palier allant de 1 à 3: Les paliers font qu'il y a des différences dans les bonus donnés ; les runes de palier 2 ont un effet moindre par rapport aux runes de palier 3 mais elles sont plus efficaces que les runes de palier 1.
- A rune is an inscription that holds power over someone or something. Runes were made during the age of Vulca when he finally was sick and tired of all magicians calling him weak at the mind. He created then many runes to signify all that he holds sacred. After creating the thousand runes of the future, he created his own runes called the Vulcan Runes. The Vulcan Runes were so powerful that the one who held them could control the world. There are 24 Runes that are signified as his, but there could be more: There is also the 1,000 runes created to be used by Vulcan's followers: