| - Blighting Power is a heroic-tier shadar-kai feat available to bards, sorcerers, swordmages, warlocks, or wizards. It was published in Dragon Magazine 372, in article Playing Shadar-kai. [Dr372:9] This feat gives a benefit to one of the associated powers, generally adding the necrotic keyword and making them inflict two damage types. In all cases, the power gains the necrotic keyword.
| - Blighting Power is a heroic-tier shadar-kai feat available to bards, sorcerers, swordmages, warlocks, or wizards. It was published in Dragon Magazine 372, in article Playing Shadar-kai. [Dr372:9] This feat gives a benefit to one of the associated powers, generally adding the necrotic keyword and making them inflict two damage types. In all cases, the power gains the necrotic keyword.
* Booming blade: If the target starts its turn adjacent to you and moves away, the damage dealt is necrotic and thunder damage.
* Dragonfrost: If you hit with the power, the damage dealt is cold and necrotic.
* Hellish Rebuke: If you hit with the power, the damage is fire and necrotic.
* Ray of Frost: If you hit, the damage dealt is cold and necrotic.
* Vicious Mockery: If you hit, the damage dealt is psychic and necrotic.