Rundelhaus Code, more commonly known as Rudy, is one of the main protagonists of the light novel and anime series Log Horizon. Initially introduced as a mysterious Human-Sorcerer, he is eventually revealed to be one of the People of the Land. When on the verge of death, however, Shiroe made a magical contract with him that gave him the subclass Adventurer, which gave him all of the benefits of an Adventurer up to and including respawning after death. In exchange, he became a member of Log Horizon, with Isuzu following.shortly afterwards.
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| - Rundelhaus Code, more commonly known as Rudy, is one of the main protagonists of the light novel and anime series Log Horizon. Initially introduced as a mysterious Human-Sorcerer, he is eventually revealed to be one of the People of the Land. When on the verge of death, however, Shiroe made a magical contract with him that gave him the subclass Adventurer, which gave him all of the benefits of an Adventurer up to and including respawning after death. In exchange, he became a member of Log Horizon, with Isuzu following.shortly afterwards.
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| - Orb of Lava, Blizzard, Lightning Cage
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| - Rundelhaus Code, more commonly known as Rudy, is one of the main protagonists of the light novel and anime series Log Horizon. Initially introduced as a mysterious Human-Sorcerer, he is eventually revealed to be one of the People of the Land. When on the verge of death, however, Shiroe made a magical contract with him that gave him the subclass Adventurer, which gave him all of the benefits of an Adventurer up to and including respawning after death. In exchange, he became a member of Log Horizon, with Isuzu following.shortly afterwards. He is voiced by Tetsuya Kakihara in the Japanese version of the anime and Tyler Galindo in the English version, the latter of whom also voices Lubbock.