| - Welcome to the {WCA} World Class Assassins Recruitment page! We're just starting out, so pull up a chair and have a drink on us! As a Clan, Loyalty, Friendship and defending our Family members, lie deep at the heart of our values. We also value Strength, Honor, Respect and a sense of humor from our Mafia family. We seek to unite quality people from around the world, all walks of life and cultures into our Association. ou must NEVER attack another tagged member of {WCA}. If you are attacked by another player tagged, {WCA}. Please inform the Admins!
| - Welcome to the {WCA} World Class Assassins Recruitment page! We're just starting out, so pull up a chair and have a drink on us! As a Clan, Loyalty, Friendship and defending our Family members, lie deep at the heart of our values. We also value Strength, Honor, Respect and a sense of humor from our Mafia family. We seek to unite quality people from around the world, all walks of life and cultures into our Association. Always show Respect to all other members, people you are fighting against, administrators and officers. Always remember, as a family member, you are acting as an Ambassador for the {WCA} entire family, so maintaining respect, honor, loyalty and integrity with everyone involved in Mafia Wars is very important. ou must NEVER attack another tagged member of {WCA}. If you are attacked by another player tagged, {WCA}. Please inform the Admins!
* DO NOT ADD OUR TAG TO YOUR NAME WITHOUT ADMIN APPROVAL * Non-tagged members cannot expect the same level of help and assistance as tagged members. Nor can they expect to join our mock wars or other events. Tagged members who are ready to fight for our family can join our Strike Force by contacting our War Officer. After a three-month-period, new non-tag members have to decide to either tag or leave. All members of Headquarter (tagged members) must add all officers and admin to their mafia. This is to ensure we can help and assist each other at any time. We do not actively seek war with other clans or families and no single member of this clan has the right to post a declaration of war, nor ask other clan members to join them in a war without the approval of the Council. We go to war in defense of the family and we will do such without hesitation. With your help we can become one of the top Associations in Mafia Wars. We are only as strong as you are. We help you grow stronger individually, and you make all of us stronger as a whole. It is a win-win situation. ATTENTION: All discriminating posts (political, religious, sexual, etc.) on our boards or forums will be deleted as we see fit! The poster will receive 1 warning and if those postings do not stop, the poster will be banned indefinately! Remember this is just a game, so have fun and don't take any of it personally.