| - Arkos was once a loyal Space Marine Captain, a proud officer of the Alpha Legion during the Great Crusade, but during the Horus Heresy, he, along with the rest of the XXth Legion followed the Arch-Traitor Horus into damnation. As would later be discovered Arkos became one of the most trusted elements of the Primarch Omegon, twin to Primarch Alpharius, and acted as his equerry while the Alpha Legion conducted its own campaign against the Emperor of Mankind’s Loyalist forces. After Horus' defeat at the hands of the Emperor at the Battle of Terra, he fled alongside the remains of his Legion to the Eye of Terror and continued the Alpha Legion’s Long War against the False Emperor at every opportunity that has presented itself ever since. He lead a powerful warband of Alpha Legion Space Marines
| - Arkos was once a loyal Space Marine Captain, a proud officer of the Alpha Legion during the Great Crusade, but during the Horus Heresy, he, along with the rest of the XXth Legion followed the Arch-Traitor Horus into damnation. As would later be discovered Arkos became one of the most trusted elements of the Primarch Omegon, twin to Primarch Alpharius, and acted as his equerry while the Alpha Legion conducted its own campaign against the Emperor of Mankind’s Loyalist forces. After Horus' defeat at the hands of the Emperor at the Battle of Terra, he fled alongside the remains of his Legion to the Eye of Terror and continued the Alpha Legion’s Long War against the False Emperor at every opportunity that has presented itself ever since. He lead a powerful warband of Alpha Legion Space Marines from his personal Despoiler-class Battleship, Anarchy’s Heart. Arkos had spent the long millennia after the end of the Heresy raiding Imperial space from the Eye of Terror, attacking Imperial shipping lanes, and cultivating agent provocateurs who spread discontent, sedition and false rumours, especially in sectors close to the Eye of Terror. His Alpha Legion warband were also known to supply captured weapons and training to selected Chaos Cultists units. Arkos’ warband had been known to masquerade as Loyalist Space Marines in order to infiltrate small units onto Imperial worlds. These units then acted as saboteurs and commandos behind enemy lines. Arkos planned such daring missions very carefully. Usually he preferred to orchestrate attacks from his warship and allow his lesser minions to do the fighting. Arkos was a master of subtle and devious schemes. He planned carefully and rarely fought a battle in which he did not already possess a tactical advantage. As a true son of Alpharius, his Primarch’s gene-seed ran strong in his blood, making him a master of the more shadowy arts of war. Like his Primarch, Arkos was a potent inspiration to his Astartes and those lesser mortals he lead into battle.