The Roseanne Show is a talk show that was hosted by Roseanne Barr from 1998 to 2000. Kermit the Frog co-hosted an episode about animals and pets on April 29, 1999. Barr and Kermit shared a kiss in a publicity photo. “When Kermit the Frog co-hosts The Roseanne Show on Monday, watch him turn the tables on Roseanne. After she probes him about his love, Miss Piggy, he asks if she has ever dated a pig. Roseanne replies, naming no names, I was married to one.”
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| - The Roseanne Show is a talk show that was hosted by Roseanne Barr from 1998 to 2000. Kermit the Frog co-hosted an episode about animals and pets on April 29, 1999. Barr and Kermit shared a kiss in a publicity photo. “When Kermit the Frog co-hosts The Roseanne Show on Monday, watch him turn the tables on Roseanne. After she probes him about his love, Miss Piggy, he asks if she has ever dated a pig. Roseanne replies, naming no names, I was married to one.”
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| - The Roseanne Show is a talk show that was hosted by Roseanne Barr from 1998 to 2000. Kermit the Frog co-hosted an episode about animals and pets on April 29, 1999. Barr and Kermit shared a kiss in a publicity photo. “When Kermit the Frog co-hosts The Roseanne Show on Monday, watch him turn the tables on Roseanne. After she probes him about his love, Miss Piggy, he asks if she has ever dated a pig. Roseanne replies, naming no names, I was married to one.”