| - Tarantula is a type of monster in ADOM. They are arachnid monsters that spin webs, and can poison the PC upon damaging attacks. On top of the nasty effects of poisoning, tarantulas are quite dangerous opponents in the early game anyway due to their surprising strength and toughness. Whilst a lone tarantula might not be too hard to deal with, unlucky PCs might often find themselves surrounded by them should they encounter a dark elven wizard or other elven caster.
- Write some more info here!
- A superhero who works for the FBI.
- Tarantula was a film released in 1955. It was played at the Pohatchee Drive-In. Unknown at the time, it featured one of the first appearances of Clint Eastwood. Ironically, Marty McFly would use his name as his alias in 1885.
- "Tarantula" is a song by The Smashing Pumpkins. It is the first single from their seventh album, Zeitgeist, and their first release since their 2006 revival. The song is the encore track from the game Guitar Hero On Tour: Decades
- Tarantula is monster #121, and is the first monster in Series 5 , the Super Creepies. It is based on the real-life arachnid the tarantula, particularly the large American and Asian tarantulas and bird-eating spiders. The mutant monster Tarantula is heavy-set and heavy, with an almost human-like face, and has a points value of 200. The figure was available in neon orange and neon green.
- The Tarantula is an enemy encounter in Suikoden III.
- Tarantulas are hostile NPCs. The second-tier of the Spider-type NPC. They have innate Poison resistance. Besides their native ability to cast the Web spell, their attacks cause poison element damage and ailment. Their low Life means they are still far from threatening, but low-level PC should still be wary of its poison, especially when swarmed. Eating their corpse causes poisoning and may grant poison resistance bonus. Their Breed power is relatively high, so the PC can exploit it for poison-resistance bonuses.
- Catalina Flores, alias Tarantula, es una ex agente del FBI. Ella se convirtió superheroína al ser inspirada por su héroe, el primero Tarantula, para luchar contra la corrupción de la policía y las pandillas en Blüdhaven. Ella tiene un código moral ambiguo y está dispuesta a hacer cualquier cosa para conseguir lo que quiere.
- Tarantula is a child-sized purple spider-like experiment with a purple exoskeleton, yellow mandibles, a blue nose, 4 black eyes, yellow legs and a short horn on her head. Designed to shoot webs. Her one true place is knitting with help from her webbing.
- City OutskirtsUnknown edit
- Tarantula is a 1955 science fiction film directed by Jack Arnold, and starring John Agar, Mara Corday and Leo G. Carroll. The screenplay by Robert M. Fresco and Martin Berkeley was based on a story by Arnold inspired by Fresco's teleplay for Science Fiction Theatre, "No Food for Thought", which was aired on May 14, 1955. Although the film is set in Arizona, it was shot in California, with locations for the desert scenes in Apple Valley.
- Tarantulas are a group of large, hairy spiders. Although Redridge Mountains is a peaceful Alliance region, the mountains remain dangerous at times, with tarantulas in the east. When traveling though here, Brann Bronzebeard himself stumbled upon a nest of tarantulas. He noted that if you followed the current from the Stonewatch Falls, you would eventually run into the canyons where tarantulas can be found, so most people did not go that far. (LoC 51) They can be found in many regions of Azeroth like Redridge Mountains, Swamp of Sorrows, and The Black Morass.
- HP : 4559 Item Drop List :
* Emerald,
* Strengthened Thread,
* Fairy’s Five Colored Skein Thread,
* Pure Boots,
* Flamelist Glove,
* Noble Robe,
* Lion’s Jupiter Hammer,
* Monster of Interger Lv 80
- Image:Albumbronze.png Bronze Card "The Spider Monster Clan. They're known to be poisonous, however, their" Earth: 100% Water: 0% Fire: 0% Wind: 0% Learnable skills : Initial Crushing Blow, Double-Edged Sakura Sword, All or Nothing, Blink I.
- Tarantula was a Havenite surveillance system. It used a network of FTL-capable platforms scattered over a star system, which could relay detailed tactical data to dispatch boats. It was first (and successfully) used by the Republic of Haven Navy in the Battle of Solon. (HH11)
- The tarantula was in the mission temper edge. It had to be escorted to nav. gamma. It could be piloted through the use of cheat codes and was very powerful.
- The Tarantula is an enemy in EarthBound Beginnings. Its sprite is based on that of the Spider. Image:Nogoodfly.pngThis article about a particular enemy is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Tarantula (タランチュラ, Taranchura Tarantula?) was a giant spider kaiju from episode 9 of Ultra Q. Subtitle: Large Spider (大ぐも, Ō Gumo Large Spider?)
- Tarantulas can be purchased in Knockturn Alley. In 1991, Lee Jordan brought a large tarantula in a box to Platform Nine and Three-Quarters just before the school year began and showed it off to his classmates, both to their horror and delight. During his campaign to cause "hell" for Dolores Umbridge, Peeves dropped a bag of these in the middle of the Great Hall during breakfast.
- The Tarantula is a playable creature in deadly creatures. Many legs, good fangs and web slinging precision, this creature is considered to be more difficult to play. Peak Creature Speed-the taratula is a very fast moving creature, able to quickly catch other insects off guard. Peak Creature Agiltiy-the taratula is very agile, able to jump over ledges to ledges, dodge very quickly and pounce on other insects without warning, can execute combos with great finesse. Peak Creature Reflexes-the taratula has very good reflexes, it can dodge effiecntly, avoid death and shoot web with great precision.
- "Tarantula" é unha canción de The Smashing Pumpkins. Foi o primeiro sinxelo do seu sétimo álbum, Zeitgeist, e a súa primeira edición dende a súa reunión no ano 2006.
- It is used by DA against Anti-Skill in the first battle between the two factions leading to a large number of lives killed for the latter as the direct result of the machine.
- Tarantula was the familiar of Phineas Evantide, the prince of warlocks.
- The Tarantula was one of the many subspecies that collectively made up The Swarm.
- The Tarantula was the third in a series of robots designed to hunt down and destroy the superhero known as Spider-Man.
- The tarantula is a player-designed halloween trinket, which first appeared for sale in the palace shoppe in October 2012 . This trinket was designed by Dexla. The tarantula can be purchased for 2,000 PoE (and 2 doubloons, on doubloon oceans). It may be inscribed with a message after purchase.
- momocashew's 5th original song, 16th VOCALOID work and her most popular work in both, YouTube and Niconico. Although it could be literally interpreted about devouring a tarantula, the song actually seems to be a twisted metaphor about conquering your own fear and phobias. This song is one of OLIVER's most popular original songs. This song has been featured in the 348th edition of VocaRan and in the VOCALOID of the Week n° 100 on the VOCALOID's Official Facebook.
- The Tarantula is an animal from Impossible Creatures. It belongs to the 15 animals within the Insect Invasion expansion.
- Tarantulas sind etwa 50cm große, dunkle Giftspinnen, welche im ganzen Mittelreich zu finden sind. Sie stürzen sich meist in größeren Gruppen (bis zu 20 Tiere) auf ihre viel größeren Opfer und injezieren diesem ihr potentes Gift. Auch vor humanoiden Wesen machen Tarantulas oft nicht halt. Sie sind zwar klein und dementsprechend leicht zu töten, jedoch ist ihr Gift nicht zu unterschätzen.
- A tarantula was a large and hairy sort of spider animal lifeform from Earth. The Arachnians resembled a cross between an ant and a tarantula. (TOS novel: Vulcan!)
- The tarantula, also known as the "Jungle Boss", is the second boss the player faces in Pest Control.
- Tarantula may refer to:
* An Enemy from Grandia
* An Enemy from Grandia II
- Tarantula to jeden z potworów zaprogramowanych przez X.A.N.Ę. To niezwykłe dzieło techniki rodem sztucznej inteligencji potrafi chodzić w dość krótkim czasie na dwóch nogach. Tarantula, podobnie jak Szerszenie, przypomina owada. Na pierwszych dwóch nogach ma zamontowane wyrzutnie pocisków laserowych, które pobierają 40 punktów życia od uderzenia. Tarantule komunikują się ze sobą rycząc. W przeciwieństwie do innych potworów, mają więcej punktów życia i aby je zabić, trzeba trafić kilka razy w oko X.A.N.Y. Tarantula jest trochę podobna do pełzacza.
- A deadly, black tarantula features in "Fears of Zero" as a background character as seen in episode 202, and in "Day-O" as seen in episode 314 of The Muppet Show. He climbs up on Harry Belafonte's shoulder and sings a line of the song. As confusion takes over the number, a parrot complains that he doesn't work with deadly tarantulas. Previously, the puppet appeared in the opening of several Land of Gorch segments on Saturday Night Live.
- In 1936, Indiana Jones and Satipo entered the Temple of the Chachapoyan Warriors in Peru. In one of the entry chambers, a large swarm of tarantulas began to crawl on the two men, and Satipo got Jones' attention about the spiders. Using his bullwhip, Jones brushed off a few that were crawling on his own back, then brushed off the multitude that that were crawling over his guide.
- The Tarantulas weapons are the laser cannons on the tips of their front legs. These lasers cause 20 points of damage per hit. Tarantulas don't need to charge their lasers beforehand, though they can charge their lasers for more powerful shots that cause fifty points of damage per hit. While the lasers are powerful, they can be disabled if the Tarantulas cannons are severed by a warrior's weapon. To fire their cannons normally, Tarantulas must first seat themselves on their hind legs while holding up their front legs. While each laser cannon can only be fired at medium-paced speed, with proper timing, the Tarantula can chain each shot to create a near-continuous stream of laser-fire. The position of its limbs allow for a 180° field of fire, allowing it to keep up its attacks without stoppin
- When Rimmer's Better Than Life fantasy began to fall apart because of his multiple neuroses, he imagined a tarantula crawling up his trousers. This immediately came into existence, terrifying Rimmer as it was the thing of which he was most afraid. Lister told him to wish it away, but they all ended up buried alive on the beach instead (RD: Better Than Life).
- Libana ben-Jamal (better known as Tarantula) was born in Beirut as the second child of islamic political leader Akkad ben-Jamal and his wife Senia. When the civil war broke out, Senia fled to the United States with her daughter and took her maiden name, Tarek. She raised her daughter as an American, working hard to put Tarantula through College. No-one was more proud than Senia, when Libana graduated with a Bachelor in Political Science. The girl was predicted a great future in broadcasting - sadly it was not to be.
- In another scene when Kevin was cleaning himself in the bathroom, the tarantula can be seen crawling next to the toilet. As Kevin prepares the traps in preparation for the night ahead, the spider can be seen wondering the house in various locations (on a wooden shelf, running across the front room etc.) During the trap scene, Marv tripped on a rope and grabbed Kevin by the leg as he tried to escape to the third floor. Kevin saw the tarantula crawling along the steps and tried to reach it. The spider doesn't bite when he reaches it and Kevin, able to pick up the tarantula, places it on Marv's face, causing Marv to comedically shriek like a little girl and giving Kevin a chance to reach the attic. Frightened, Marv, who was still shrieking, threw the spider on Harry (who was knocked out), gra
- The quintessential Giant Spider movie. Near a small Arizonan town, Professor Gerald Deemer (Leo G. Carroll), suspecting burgeoning global fooD shortage problems due to an increasing world population, has been attempting to develop a serum which people can feed off exclusively. Alas, when trying it on rats, rabbits and a tarantula, all it does is cause them to grow to enormous proportions, and when humans take it, it causes them to develop acromegaly, go mad, and die. Deemer's two lab assisstants take the serum when he is gone one day, causing one to die, and the other to go mad and attack Deemer, injecting him with the serum himself. During their fight, the cage of the tarantula, which is already about the size of a bear, is shattered, and it escapes into the desert. Shortly afterwards, lo
- The land crab family arose in the middle Silurian Age, just after the first amphibians installed traffic lights along seaside highways. This evolutionary development allowed seafaring crabs to give up their galleons and pieces-of-eight and safely cross the highways. They quickly spread to inland regions like Leicester, England; Pus Hollow, Iowa; and the Forbidden City of Tibet. Students of Darwin outside Australia may be interested in this case also. By the Crustaceous Age tarantulas had evolved to approximately their modern form, and had spread to all continents with the exception of Atlantis.