| - Aquamarine Armor, Aquamarine Eyewear
- Autumn Antlers, Strider Vest
- Busy Bee Robe, Busy Bee Wings
- Cheetah Costume, Cheetah Hat
- Cold Fire Armor, Winter Flame
- Cow Hat, Cow Armor
- Crown o' Flowers, Armor o' Leaves
- Crown of Tentacles, Octopus Robe
- Fairytale Armor, Fairytale Wings
- Fancy Feasting Hat, Copious Cornucopia
- Flame of Mind Helm, Flame of Heart Armor
- Forest Walker Armor, Forest Walker Antlers
- Goblin Tail, Goblin Horns
- Goblin Wings, Goblin Gear
- Green Knight Helm, Green Knight Lance
- Heartbreaker Hood, Heartbreaker Cape
- Heartstealer Hood, Heartstealer Cape
- Helm of Lightning, Cape of Thunder
- Lucky Hat, Lucky Suit
- Marching Bard Hat, Marching Bard Uniform
- Messenger Robes, Winged Helm, and Golden Wings
- Nutcracker Helm, Nutcracker Armor
- Penguin Hat, Penguin Suit
- Pitchfork of Feasting, Steel Helm of Sporting
- Rad Surfboard, Rad Sunglasses
- Resolution Slayer, Helm of True Resolve
- Seafloor Rogue Helm, Seafloor Rogue Armor
- Selkie Cap, Selkie Tail
- Shimmer Armor, Shimmer Helm
- Snorkel Suit, Neon Snorkel
- Spectral Flame, Spectral Armor
- Starry Helm, Starry Armor
- Sun Crown, Sun Robes
- Time-Freezer Shield, Timeless Shades
- Undersea Explorer Helm, Undersea Explorer Suit
- Werewolf Costume, Werewolf Mask
- Wooden Armor, Log Crown
- Twilight Butterfly Wings, Twilight Butterfly Antennae
- Wings of Thought, Shimmery Winged Staff of Love and Also Truth