| - The Desk Man is a secret character that can be found from the 1.1 update of FNaF World onward. He is found by one of the buildings of the town in Fazbear Hills. He is also the creator of Baby, and the creator of the minigames that can be accessed in the Halloween Update Backstage.
- Desk Man is an 8-bit character added in Update 1 of FNaF World. He can be found in the 3D-Overworld version of Fazbear Hills. In Update 2, Desk Man has a slightly more significant role in the game. Desk Man is a gray humanoid that has light grey eyes and sits at a white desk. Every once in a while, it looks back at the player. You can find it in the gray house in Fazbear Hills. If you visit him normally before completing the game once in a save file, he will say the following: "What are you doing here? I'm busy." "It wasn't supposed to be like this. Now it's all a mess." "Of course now there is only one thing to do." "Come back later and maybe I will tell you more." If the player returns to him after completing the game once in Normal or Hard Mode in Update 2, his dialogue changes: "It's a vicious cycle, you know." "But then, most things in life are." "The pendulum swings one way, then it swings the other." "Now we turn to darkness." "Something terrible is coming." "Come back later. Maybe I will tell you more." After defeating Chica's Magic Rainbow, you will get a cutscene, with Desk Man. Once again, his dialogue changes: "I'm impressed." "What are you doing here? Can't you see I'm busy?" "You deactivated my games?" "I didn't know what else to do. I don't want to disappoint." "Something terrible is coming..." "Her name is Baby." "I am afraid there is nothing you can do. It is too late to deactivate her." After he speaks, the screen flickers, then cuts to darkness. Two yellow eyes, presumably Baby, can be seen in the top-right. A female voice is heard: "The show will begin momentarily. Everyone please stay in your seats." After this occurs, the screen flickers back into the room, where Desk Man's head is completely down, with a small pool of blood appearing on the desk, showing that he is dead. It is currently unknown whether Baby killed Desk Man or He did it to himself.
* The speech he gives may be a reference to how the fanbase tried to rush Scott Cawthon into releasing the game.
* Some people believe he is Scott Cawthon and he is trying to fix something.
* In Update 2, more dialogue was given to him. This makes him more significant to the game in some way.
* Desk man is behind the origins of Baby and possibly the entire existence of Update 2.
* Desk man is the only character in FNaF World to bleed, proving that he is in fact human.