Trigha are a nonsentient species of large reptilian predators that are native to the jungles of Ord Vaxal. Trigha possess green scaly hides that are often mottled with dark stripes and spots. They hunted in family units and bellowed when moving through underbrush in order to flush out prey. Their preferred hunting tactic was to emit a high-pitched shriek when spotting prey to alert the rest of its pack. They would then chase the prey with single-minded aggressiveness, having little regard for their own safety.
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| - Los trighas eran una especie de grandes reptiles depredadores no inteligente que era nativas de las selvas de Ord Vaxal. Los trighas poseían pieles escamosas de color verde que frecuentemente estuvieron moteadas con rayas oscuras y manchas. Cazaban en grupos familiares y rugían mientras se mueven a través de la maleza con el fin de hacer salir a sus presas. Su táctica de caza preferida era la de emitir un chillido agudo cuando detectaba a su presa para alertar al resto de su manada. A continuación, persiguen a la presa con una agresividad inquebrantable, sin tener ninguna consideración por su propia seguridad. Su apariencia era la de un dinosaurio por lo que si alguien lo dibujara y enseñara dirian que es un Tyrannosaurus rex.
- Trigha are a nonsentient species of large reptilian predators that are native to the jungles of Ord Vaxal. Trigha possess green scaly hides that are often mottled with dark stripes and spots. They hunted in family units and bellowed when moving through underbrush in order to flush out prey. Their preferred hunting tactic was to emit a high-pitched shriek when spotting prey to alert the rest of its pack. They would then chase the prey with single-minded aggressiveness, having little regard for their own safety.
- Trigha were a non-sentient species of large reptilian predators that were native to the jungles of Ord Vaxal. Trigha possessed green scaly hides that were often mottled with dark stripes and spots. They hunted in family units and bellowed when moving through underbrush in order to flush out prey. Their preferred hunting tactic was to emit a high-pitched shriek when spotting prey to alert the rest of its pack. They would then chase the prey with single-minded aggressiveness, having little regard for their own safety.
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| - Trigha were a non-sentient species of large reptilian predators that were native to the jungles of Ord Vaxal. Trigha possessed green scaly hides that were often mottled with dark stripes and spots. They hunted in family units and bellowed when moving through underbrush in order to flush out prey. Their preferred hunting tactic was to emit a high-pitched shriek when spotting prey to alert the rest of its pack. They would then chase the prey with single-minded aggressiveness, having little regard for their own safety. A trigha inadvertently rescued Lando Calrissian and Han Solo from a band of Imperial stormtroopers while they were on Ord Vaxal.
- Trigha are a nonsentient species of large reptilian predators that are native to the jungles of Ord Vaxal. Trigha possess green scaly hides that are often mottled with dark stripes and spots. They hunted in family units and bellowed when moving through underbrush in order to flush out prey. Their preferred hunting tactic was to emit a high-pitched shriek when spotting prey to alert the rest of its pack. They would then chase the prey with single-minded aggressiveness, having little regard for their own safety. A trigha inadvertently rescued Lando Calrissian and Han Solo from a band of Imperial stormtroopers while they were on Ord Vaxal.
- Los trighas eran una especie de grandes reptiles depredadores no inteligente que era nativas de las selvas de Ord Vaxal. Los trighas poseían pieles escamosas de color verde que frecuentemente estuvieron moteadas con rayas oscuras y manchas. Cazaban en grupos familiares y rugían mientras se mueven a través de la maleza con el fin de hacer salir a sus presas. Su táctica de caza preferida era la de emitir un chillido agudo cuando detectaba a su presa para alertar al resto de su manada. A continuación, persiguen a la presa con una agresividad inquebrantable, sin tener ninguna consideración por su propia seguridad. Su apariencia era la de un dinosaurio por lo que si alguien lo dibujara y enseñara dirian que es un Tyrannosaurus rex. Un trigha rescató involuntariamente a Lando Calrissian y Han Solo de una banda de soldados de asalto imperiales mientras se encontraban en Ord Vaxal.