| - A brief statement about God. An expansion of the statement to describe the God.
- ataques 1.
* mordida venenosa 2.
* super aletada 3.
* lluvia de agua 4.
* gristales de la muerte 5.
* ronpe huesoa
- Atak: Mega Flare Jeden z najpotężniejszych GFów w grze mający postać smoka. Zamieszkuje Deep Sea Research Center do czasu aż Squall z towarzyszami udawadniają mu swoją siłę pokonując go w walce.
- A recurring gag throughout the series, Thief's adamant refusal to believe in dragons despite meeting so many, began with meeting Bahamut. According to Muffin, an ancient prophecy said that Bahamut would sleep until the end of the world and would awaken upon its imminent doom, alerting Red Mage to the true peril of the world that they may have accidentally caused by awakening Bahamut. However, the other Light Warriors pay him no mind. What part, if any, Bahamut will play in the supposed end of the world is unclear.
- The Bahamut is a special, AX-exclusive machine that can be created only by getting the Japan-exclusive AX machine parts via cheating or the use of an AX Machine. Although it boasts sold body strength and excellent grip capabilities, it has a below average booster. However, this vehicle's stats make it perfect for beginners.
- Captivado contra su voluntad para una eternidad dentro de la luna menor, Dalamud, 'Bahamut' primal mayor se liberó de su cautiverio cuando el cuerpo celeste se arrancó del cielo para descender sobre La batalla de Carteneau. Una vez liberado, el ser malevolo causó mucha destrucción a través de la longitud y latitud de Eorzea, su alboroto devastador que marcaba el comienzo de la Séptima Era Umbral. En medio del caos, sin embargo, Bahamut se envolvió en una luz blanca cegadora y repentinamente desapareció de los cielos. Nadie ha afirmado haber visto el primal en los cinco años desde entonces.
- |-|KMS 1.2.257= File:Skill Bahamut.png 바하뮤트
* Class: Bishop
* Type: Active
* Element Attribute:
* Maximum Level: 30
- This Guild was made by the player Vipe who runs the PK and PKK sections of the guild. It is co-managed by Shoku who focuses on the healing and support section of the guild. Apparently there is another group in this guild but it is help secretly from the public. Although Vipe seems to be a lot stronger than Shoku the guild seems to have equal ownership by both of them.
- In addition to being a BBS Moderator, Murray also mods Chat, Icons, and the Portal. He signed up on September 12, 2004. He uses many alts, some of whom have significant contributions [1]. He changed his uername from Bahamut to Murray. He is also a regular poster on the BBS. He has two Portal awards and a batting average of A+. He also won the "User of the Year" award at the 2010 Tank Awards.
- Keith Baker, Bill Slavicsek, and James Wyatt (2004). Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-3274-0.
- thumb|Symbol BahamutaBahamut, zwany również Platynowym Smokiem, jest bogiem sprawiedliwości i honoru. Czczą go smoki, uznając za pierwszego przedstawiciela swojej rasy. Bahamut jest też patronem władców i arystokracji. Kategoria:Bóstwa Kategoria:Smoki
- His signature attack, Megaflare, sometimes translated as Sun Flare, is a great breath of energy concentrated into a beam and fired to opposition, which deals non-elemental magic damage that ignores defense and evasion. There are, however, other variations to Megaflare corresponding to different appearances of Bahamut, including Tera Flare, Giga Flare and Exa Flare to name but a few. Bahamut is typically considered the strongest among storyline summons and more often than not, the player must prove his/her worth by winning a battle against Bahamut himself, or, rarely, another storyline boss.
- <default>Bahamut</default> Number Release Date Author Illustrator Colorist Letterer Previous Story Next Story Bahamut is the ninth short story of the Attack on Titan Anthology. It is written, illustrated, colored, and lettered by Ronald Wimberly.
- One big ass dragon god-king. Some how your team manages to beat him in almost every game. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- right|Artwork par Yoshitaka Amano|250px Bahamut (バハムート, Bahamūto), aussi appelé "Roi" ou "Seigneur des dragons", est une invocation récurrente de la série Final Fantasy. Célèbre pour son attaque Méga Atomnium, il est considéré comme l'une des plus puissantes invocations de la série, ce qui en fait un puissant allié lors des combats mais également un ennemi redoutable sur certains jeux.
- File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: File:FireIcon.png Fire: Burst | Roc | Rasetsu File:WaterIcon.png Water: File:WoodIcon.png Wood: File:LightIcon.png Light: Vishnu | Marida of the Lamp of the Lamp | Ghoulie File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Slash File:Scroll.png Tower: File:S++.png Temple: Fire (Carnage) | Light (Time)
- He is stern and disapproves of evil, but kind and helpful to the downtrodden. His clerics and followers are taught to oppose evil and help those in need. He appears as a long and sinuous dragon with platinum scales and blue, cat-like eyes of shifting color, ranging from dark to light depending on his mood. His realm is located in Celestia, the Radiant Throne. He sometimes wanders the earth as a frail old man, with seven yellow canaries flying around his head that are really the seven golden dragons who accompany him in disguise.
- In Jorge Luis Borges 'Book of Imaginary Beings, Bahamut is "altered and magnified" from Behemoth, and described as so immense that a human cannot bear its sight; "all the seas of the world, placed in one of the fish's nostrils, would be like a mustard seed laid in the desert."
- Bahamut est le nom d'un serveur non PK, ajouté en jeu avec la mise à jour du 27/10/2009.
- He is a giganormolossal sea monster, with a 4000 x 4000 90 meters size. He has light-blue scales, hands with sharp claws, a teethless mouth (As he can just swalow the whole prey) and some long ridges that extends from his head to his back. As said before, he is REALLY huge. He can easly swallow a whole whale without any effort.
- Bahamut ( japonais = バハムート, Bahamūto ) est une arme de Xigbar dans Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days. Il peut l'utiliser une fois équipé de la pièce Fantôme. Elle peut évoluer en Bahamut+ et en Bahamut++.
- A power foretold of in ancient prophecies, a dragon of royal lineage with a lust for power and a will to crush all those that oppose him and his people. To some, he's the epitomy of loyalty to one's race, to others (and most) he's a tyrant and a feared opponent.
- Bahamut is the deity of good-aligned dragons and metallic dragons, and currently the only known platinum dragon in existence. He is a child of the dragon god Io and the sworn enemy of Tiamat, his evil twin sister, who is the queen of the chromatic dragons.
- Image:Bahamut.jpg Seigneur des dragons et unique élémental supérieur issu de la Création, Bahamut a autrefois servi Zahikel, le grand père de Celiel, acceptant de faire le sacrifice de sa vie pour se condenser sous la forme d'une armure de Lumière à la résistance quasi-inaltérable. Lié au gantelet du grand père de Celiel, celui-ci se voyait alors octroyer l'immense honneur de manier le Nanatsusaya, l'une des trois lames légendaires décrites dans la prophétie de la Fresque des Âges. Suite à la disparition de Zahikel, Bahamut, a repris son activité favorite, à savoir prendre l'apparence d'une créature de faible puissance, et observer le monde des humains, jetant son dévolu sur Done. Ses réelles motivations dans la guerre contre le Néant restent totalement inconnues...
- Bahamut (Ba-hamut) wird von allen metallischen Drachen verehrt. Selbst böse Drachen respektieren ihn, für seine Weisheit und Macht, ausgenommen seine Erzrivalin Tiamat. Durch seine Unterstützung für Gareth Drachenbann in Damara, hab sich in Faerûn auch Anhänger anderer Völker gefunden, die sogar Orden in Bahamuts Namen begründet haben. In seiner natürlichen Form, ist Bahamut ein langer, geschwungener Drache, mit silbrig-weißen Schuppen, von denen ein Funkeln und Schimmern ausgeht, das man selbst bei trübstem Licht sehen kann. Seine katzenhaften Augen sind von einem tiefen Blau, wie das Azur des Mittsommerhimmels sagen Manche. Andere meinen, sie wären eher in einem kühlen Indigoblau gehalten, wie das Zentrum eines Gletschers. Möglicherweise reflektieren beide Farben die wechselnde Stimmung
- Bahamut (pronounced bah-HAHM-ut) was the dragon god of justice and a subservient deity to Torm, god of law. Before entering the Faerûnian pantheon, he was a member of the Draconic pantheon, as a deity of good dragons, metallic dragons, wisdom, and enlightened justice (justice tempered with mercy and punishment with forgiveness) known by the name of Xymor (pronounced ZIE-more). For some time he was also a member of the Untheric pantheon, under the alias of Marduk.
- thumb|left|200px|Symbol Bahamuta thumb|left|200px|Święty Symbol Bahamuta thumb|left|200px|Symbol Bahamuta w czwartej edycji D&D thumb|250px|Bahamut Bahamut jest (bah-hahm-ut) jest szanowany w wielu miejscach. Mimo że wszystkie dobre smoki składają mu hołd, szczególnym poważaniem darzą go złote, srebrne i mosiężne. Pozostałe smoki, nawet złe (z wyjątkiem rywalki Bahamuta, Tiamat), szanują tego boga za jego mądrość oraz siłę. W materialnej formie Bahamut ma postać długiego, wijącego się smoka pokrytego srebrno-białymi łuskami, które skrzą i połyskują nawet w bardzo przyćmionym świetle. Podobne do kocich oczy boga mają ciemnoniebieską barwę - niektórzy powiadają, że koloru lazurowego nieba w letni wieczór. Inni zarzekają się, że oczy Bahamuta są koloru zmrożonego indygo, niczym serce lodowca.
- In Final Fantasy III, the group of players come across Bahamut and must flee the unbeatable battle. Once they enter Bahamut's Lair, they have to battle him without invincibility. After being defeated, Bahamut will offer himself as a summon, marking the creature's first appearance as a summon in the series. He could also be bought in a secret shop in Eureka without ever fighting him.
- Bahamut (バハムート Bahamūto) is a Phantom born from a man called Katsumura (勝村 Katsumura), when he gave up in despair. Bahamut is a strong Phantom, giving both Haruto and Kosuke a hard time. His Gate target is Kazuya Shinozaki (篠崎 和也 Shinozaki Kazuya), who is an amateur soccer player, who competed with Haruto to become pro soccer players. Bahamut is a strong fighter, being able to defeat Kosuke and Haruto while using Drago Time. He is also armed with sharp blades in his arms and legs. Bahamut is also capable of releasing an energy blade from his arms.
- Bahamut is the lord of all good dragons, and the master of the Skies. For the longest time he existed as the bone dragon Cassius while an usurper, his child with Tiamat, claimed his divine spark. In the aftermath of The Muse War, with the help of his Platinum Legion, the spirits of all the knights that had hunted the usurper, he tore his divine mantle away and reclaimed it. His bone form remained the deity Cassius. The remains of his usurper became the dragon god Parttich. He opposes Tiamat, but still longs for her company, and two maintain strained relations.
- Bahamut è uno spirito d'invocazione ricorrente all'interno della serie di Final Fantasy. Maestoso e potentissimo drago alato, è il sovrano di tutti i draghi e un dio anche per le invocazioni stesse. Generalmente è un'invocazione di tipo non-elementale, che appare dall'alto dei cieli per punire i nemici del suo invocatore con un potente raggio lanciato dalla bocca.