| - As a generic mode of address, “commander” was appropriate to many military officers. Almost anyone in command of a distinct ship, outfit or taskforce could be called "commander" of the unit. Examples of these commanders were found within all military branches. They ranged from Fleet Commanders, Field Commanders, and Flight Commanders to more prestige full titles such as Force Commanders and High Commanders. It must be noted though, that the commanding officers of naval capital ships usually preferred to be addressed as "Captain". According to Emperor Palpatine in the Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide, the official field manual for officers within the Imperial Military, a commander within the Empire was required to excel, which requires that they fight and if need be die in the service
| - As a generic mode of address, “commander” was appropriate to many military officers. Almost anyone in command of a distinct ship, outfit or taskforce could be called "commander" of the unit. Examples of these commanders were found within all military branches. They ranged from Fleet Commanders, Field Commanders, and Flight Commanders to more prestige full titles such as Force Commanders and High Commanders. It must be noted though, that the commanding officers of naval capital ships usually preferred to be addressed as "Captain". According to Emperor Palpatine in the Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide, the official field manual for officers within the Imperial Military, a commander within the Empire was required to excel, which requires that they fight and if need be die in the service of the Empire, and also indicating that the commander won't be defeated even if he fell in battle due to the various branches fighting on. The various commanders in the Imperial Military, who were largely formidable military talents, also were considered the true holders of power within the Empire, even though they technically only carried out the orders of the Emperor. "Commander" was also a more specific rank within many military hierarchies. In some ranking systems, this title would rank just above captain while in others it would rank just below it. The Commander was in some cases the closest superior to a Lieutenant Commander in the same ranking system. The militaries of the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance, both had ranking systems where Commanders were ranked above captains. But at the same time, there were numerous examples of the same militaries having other hierarchies placing Commanders below Captains. Evidently there were different ranking systems depending on specific service branches or institutions.