| - Amazon Queen (アマゾンの女王, Amazon No Joou) is a hero who belongs to planetary defense agency, and is stationed on planet earth where she dwells among her people in the wilderness that is untouched by the technological advancement of modern human society. She is a skilled and powerful warrior who utilizes a skillset of powers granted to her by ancient neolithic practices in hunting & magic, gathering and survival, making her an extremely tenacious and resourceful hero belonging to the planetary defense agency even to this date. Specifically, she is a member of the society of ancients, a race of human beings whom have segregated themselves off from the rest of the world, dwelling on a large island nation known as the dark continent. A skilled and powerful warrior who was born as a nobleblooded member of her own tribe, amazon queen ventured beyond the shores of the dark continent and came to human civilization. During this time her powers, skills and abilities were showcased, and she was quickly made into a member of the planetary defense agency for her ability to hunt down and kill mysterious beings, monsters, and dangerous criminals alike. In order to ensure the continued survival and prosperity of her people among the amazon clan, the queen left the dark continent some years back, and traveled to human society in order to seek help in feeding and protecting her people, whom at the time were suffering from severe shortage of food and resources. Almost immediately after making landfall, she was employed the planetary defense agency, who observed great potentiality and power within her skills and abilities. Since then, the amazon queen has continued to fight and battle against various threats against planet earths people in exchange for the PDA lending their funds and resources to her so that she may continue to feed and look after her people, as a hero calling hemera city her home.