| - Obris was one of Ner'zhul's higher ranking of officers. He served and helped unite the clans once again to fight the Alliance. His faith in Ner'zhul's role as savior of the Horde seemed to have been rather high, as he stood by and helped open the portals to new worlds. It was Ner'zhul's promise that the orcs would be saved, through the opening of such gateways to richer realms to conquer. Yet, Obris was to behold the breaking of Ner'zhul's nobility. The old orc said that the rest of the Horde be damned, and that all that mattered was his own survival. Obris protested, but was mowed down by his master's magic, and left for dead.
| - Obris was one of Ner'zhul's higher ranking of officers. He served and helped unite the clans once again to fight the Alliance. His faith in Ner'zhul's role as savior of the Horde seemed to have been rather high, as he stood by and helped open the portals to new worlds. It was Ner'zhul's promise that the orcs would be saved, through the opening of such gateways to richer realms to conquer. Yet, Obris was to behold the breaking of Ner'zhul's nobility. The old orc said that the rest of the Horde be damned, and that all that mattered was his own survival. Obris protested, but was mowed down by his master's magic, and left for dead. Yet, Obris survived for a while yet. Khadgar was left despairing, seeing that Ner'zhul had completed his scheme. Still, in a final act of vengeance, Obris handed over the Book of Medivh, which he had been entrusted with, to Khadgar. Glad to have defied the great traitor, Ner'zhul, Obris accepted the peace of death.