- Kus are enemies from The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. They are the Dark World equivalent of River Zoras. These creatures live in the water, and attack by protruding their heads to shoot fireballs at Link. They have one eye, and are a grayish-red color. Kus only move underwater, but can still hurt Link if he swims into them. His only attacks must be done on dry land or shallow water, making it difficult to successfully defeat Kus. Long-range weapons are most effective; however, if Link is lucky, he can strike these creatures if they pop up out of the water close enough to where he is standing.
- KU is a abbreviation for Kalmar Union.
- Ku was the Rokugani word for Void.
- Ku – artefakt Dwemerów o kształcie ptaka, służący jako szybkie źródło informacji. W środku Ku znajdowało się okienko, przez które można było porozmawiać z drugą osobą. Do rozmowy wymagany był niezbędny amulet, dzięki któremu można było prowadzić rozmowę. Właśnie za pomocą takiego urządzenia Annaig Hoinart powiadomiła księcia Attrebusa Mede o zagrożeniu ze strony Umbriel.
- thumb|Die Filiale in der Saratoga Avenue... thumb|...und die im West Way KU ist ein Fahrzeughändler aus Grand Theft Auto IV und Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars. Möglicherweise ist die Firma bereits geschlossen worden, da die beiden Gebäude des Unternehmens sehr heruntergekommen aussehen. Nach den Anfangsbuchstaben KU fehlen drei weitere, also hieß das Unternehmen vor der Schließung und dem (teilweise) Abreißen des Namens anders.
- Les Ku (クー Kū) sont des ennemis d'A Link to the Past et d'A Link Between Worlds.
- The Lost Continent of Ku is - or rather, used to be - a very small continent about one and a half thousand miles Widdershins and slightly Hubwards of the continent of XXXX. Mentioned only in Eric, It is possibly Discworld's Atlantis, but whereas our world's lost continent sank extremely quickly, Ku took about thirty years to completely subside. Its inhabitants spent a lot of time wading. It has gone down in Disc history as one of the multiverse's most embarrasing continental catastrophes.
- Ku Bar is one of the gay bars in and around the gay portion of Soho. Although it is situated on Charing Cross Road, a short distance from Old Compton Street, and is on the edge of London's Chinatown, it is nevertheless considered a part of Soho. Ku Bar is known on the London Scene for catering to quite a young crowd.
- Los Ku (クー, Kū ?) son enemigos que aparecen en The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past y The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. Son criaturas de agua con un solo ojo y con la capacidad de escupir bolas de fuego. Son la contraparte en el Mundo Oscuro y en Lorule de los River Zora del Mundo de la Luz.
- Ku was a 24th century Human man who was an officer serving in Starfleet. In 2387, Ku had achieved the rank of lieutenant junior grade and served as a science officer aboard the USS Enterprise-E under the command of Captain Data. Ku occupied a post at the forward flight controller station of the Enterprise bridge and operated the helm, sensors and communications functions during the Starfleet intervention before and after the destruction of Romulus. (ST - Countdown comics: "Countdown, Number Two", "Countdown, Number Four")
- Ku ist ein NSC, eine der 365 Hapideiden, und zwar die Hapideidin der Behutsamkeit. C’est elle qui offre aux fleurs leurs pétales fins, aux oiseaux leur plumage gracieux, et à la dentelle eniripsa sa texture si raffinée. Parfois, elle va même jusqu’à donner une odeur exquise aux orteils des Enutrofs. C’est dire à quel point elle est puissante ! Die Hapideiden sind die Beschützer der Tage in der Welt der Zwölf, und jeden kann man nur an einem einzigen Tag eines Jahres im Raum der jeweiligen Jahreszeit im Bibliotempel antreffen. Ku beschützt den 16. Maisial.
- Historien om Kua. Kua er et husdyr... Men den kommer også utenfor huset. Og den lever ofte på landet, men den kommer også inn til byen, men bare når den skal dø. Men det bestemmer den ikke selv. Kua har syv sider... Den øverste siden - Den nederste siden - Den forrerste siden - Den bakerste siden - Den ene siden - Den andre siden - Og den innvendige siden. På den fremste siden sitter hodet... Og det er fordi hornene skal ha noe å sitte fast på. Hornene er av horn å er bare til pynt. De kan ikke bevege seg, men det kan ørene. De sitter ved siden av hornene. Kua har to hull foran i hodet. De kalles ku-øyer. Kuas munn kalles mule. Det er nok fordi den sier muuhh. På den bakerste siden sitter halen... Den bruker den til å jage vekk fluer med, Så de ikke faller ned i melka å dr