| - Kalle Demos (カーレ・デモス Kāre Demosu?) is the boss of the Forbidden Woods, the second dungeon in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. As with many bosses in the Legend of Zelda series, Kalle Demos seems to be the 'king' of a species of normal enemy, rather than an entirely new creature; specifically, it appears to be an elite Boko Baba. Kalle Demos bears some resemblance to the boss Barinade from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, as both are attached to the ceiling via tendrils which must be detached using the Boomerang.
- Kallie Demos is a plant-like monster and a vilain in the Legend of Zelda video game series. Just as Link arrives to the Forest Haven, he discovers another calamity has happened. Makar, one of the Koroks, is trapped inside the Forbidden Woods, a
| - Kalle Demos (カーレ・デモス Kāre Demosu?) is the boss of the Forbidden Woods, the second dungeon in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. As with many bosses in the Legend of Zelda series, Kalle Demos seems to be the 'king' of a species of normal enemy, rather than an entirely new creature; specifically, it appears to be an elite Boko Baba. The weak point of the boss appears to be a bright, multi-colored Boko Baba. This main part controls a much larger body, consisting of large petals which fold up to cover and protect the central Baba. The petals have long tentacles similar to Dexivines, which anchor the creature to the ceiling. This actually lifts the whole flower off the ground, holding it up even when Link severs many of the tentacles. A different set of tentacles reach down from the bottom of the plant to attack. They either cluster together above Link briefly before slamming down with brutal force, or burrow into the ground to pop out from beneath Link and attack. The tentacles sometimes pulse with a yellow energy, seemingly electricity. According to Kalle Demos' figurine, Makar is its "favorite thing", presumably to eat. Kalle Demos bears some resemblance to the boss Barinade from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, as both are attached to the ceiling via tendrils which must be detached using the Boomerang.
- Kallie Demos is a plant-like monster and a vilain in the Legend of Zelda video game series. Just as Link arrives to the Forest Haven, he discovers another calamity has happened. Makar, one of the Koroks, is trapped inside the Forbidden Woods, a place full of evil flora that was once the Koroks' original homeland. Link needs to rescue him, as the Great Deku Tree pleads him, not only for Makar's well-being but because without him, the Korok Ceremony, a very important Korok holiday, cannot take place. Link accepts and directs himself to the Forbidden Woods. After much toil and trouble, Link finds Makar but to Link's horror, a "plant" swallowed him in one single bite. This large vine-lashing plant-monster, Kalle Demos, is the source of all evil inside the Forbidden Woods and Link must defeat it before it digests Makar. Whether it had started out as a regular Boko Baba who mutated into a giant plant, or a Boko Baba corrupted and strengthened by Ganondorf is unknown at this time. Two other possibilities are that it could either be a separate species of Boko Baba, or simply a flowering Boko Baba. The battle lasted for a while, and Link defeated Demos and rescued Makar.