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| - Hattrick
- Hattrick
- Hattrick
- Hattrick
| - thumb Hattrick es un videojuego de navegador gratuito, perteneciente a la compañía ExtraLives AB, creado en Suecia por Björn Holmér, el 30 de agosto de 1997. Se trata de un juego en el que el jugador administra su propio club de fútbol.
- Real Name: Darius Elwood Aliases: Daz, Daz the Dazzler Age: 19 Gender: Male Alignment: Good Race: Human Goals: To redeem the Elwood family name
- In this window you can fine-tune various variables used by HO!
- In questa finestra potete personalizzare alcune variabili usate da HO! Di seguito trovate una descrizione di tutte queste variabili, separate per tab di appartenenza. Alcune modifiche possono richiedere che HO! sia riavviato per avere effetto. In questo caso HO! avverte esplicitamente di questp fatto.
- Gibt es Hattrick-Mannschaften aus Lüneburg? Wir könnten ja mal ein gemeinsames Trainingslager veranstalten.
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| - Wiki Federaciones de Hattrick tiene por objeto permitir recopilar y clasificar información relativa al juego y, en especial, a las distintas federaciones de Hattrick, para servir de guía y referencia a toda la comunidad.
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| - Anniversary: In einem Spiel aus der Spielersuche 3 Kopfschüsse hintereinander erzielen.
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| - To play hattrick, each team of 4-9 players (8 in official matches) must have 4-9 (8 in official matches) of the following items:
* 3 colored and numbered Hats (4 in official matches)
* 1 colored Uniform Games are played with 2-8 (4 in official matches) teams. Each player must be wearing the hat they are going to throw before they throw it. When the whistle/horn/gong/whatever (Gun in official matches) makes a sound, each player throws their hats one at a time into the air and the height it reaches is recorded. the team whose last hat lands last is eliminated. then the score is worked out by dividing the height the hat flew by the height of the hat for sanity reasons. the team with the most points wins.
- thumb Hattrick es un videojuego de navegador gratuito, perteneciente a la compañía ExtraLives AB, creado en Suecia por Björn Holmér, el 30 de agosto de 1997. Se trata de un juego en el que el jugador administra su propio club de fútbol.
- Real Name: Darius Elwood Aliases: Daz, Daz the Dazzler Age: 19 Gender: Male Alignment: Good Race: Human Goals: To redeem the Elwood family name
- In this window you can fine-tune various variables used by HO!
- In questa finestra potete personalizzare alcune variabili usate da HO! Di seguito trovate una descrizione di tutte queste variabili, separate per tab di appartenenza. Alcune modifiche possono richiedere che HO! sia riavviato per avere effetto. In questo caso HO! avverte esplicitamente di questp fatto.
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