| - A character with No Sense of Humor is incapable of enjoying jokes, comedy, or humor of any sort. Maybe the character is The Stoic turned Up to Eleven, or an otherworldly being with no notion of comedy, or the victim of a traumatizing accident -- whatever it is, this person will not (or cannot) respond to humor, tell jokes, or even recognize when something is funny at all. A common characteristic for The Stoic, The Spock, and the Grande Dame. Examples of No Sense of Humor include:
| - A character with No Sense of Humor is incapable of enjoying jokes, comedy, or humor of any sort. Maybe the character is The Stoic turned Up to Eleven, or an otherworldly being with no notion of comedy, or the victim of a traumatizing accident -- whatever it is, this person will not (or cannot) respond to humor, tell jokes, or even recognize when something is funny at all. Some characters with No Sense of Humor maintain their seriousness by sheer force of will. Others might have a conceptual understanding of humor, but simply treat it as an odd curiosity or with a clinical detachment. Oftentimes, such a character is placed in absurd situations to elicit laughs from the audience. A common characteristic for The Stoic, The Spock, and the Grande Dame. Arguably a subtrope of No Social Skills depending on the culture. May overlap with Evil Has a Bad Sense of Humor and Sarcasm Blind. Also see Late to The Punchline, Don't Explain the Joke and Cannot Tell a Joke. Examples of No Sense of Humor include: