| - Yóshá Ásáshó was a Temple of V'ei'ka Guardian during the time of Kysa Zerego, a V'ei'ka, representation of the main goddess in Ingzan religion, V'ei'ka. As a Temple Guardian Yóshá looked after the Temple of V'ei'ka and the Tomb of V'ei'ka, and was one of the V'ei'ka's high priestesses. Yóshá was described as an extremely beautiful, tall woman (by male standards, by female Ingzan standards Yóshá was average height), standing 6'2 tall. One of her most unique features was her beautiful white hair, which was her natural hair colour, it was common in the Ásáshó family and was thought to be caused by a special gene found in very few families. She wore a Temple of V'ei'ka Guardian Ts'shúkí which signified her position as a Temple of V'ei'ka Guardian, the Temple of V'ei'ka Ts'shúkí was a black Ts'shúkí, which was elaboratly decorated with gold, red and white patterns, she wore this over her white Kúshózí, which were either a shirt and trousers, or a dress, worn under a Ts'shúkí. She was a very caring woman, and like all Ingzans worshipped V'ei'ka, and her mortal representation, which for most of her life was Kysa Zerego. When she was 15 in 32,866 BBY she served as the Keeper of the Mask, she was present at Kysa Zerego's 32,866 BBY Blinding Ceremony, she handed the Blinding Master the Mask of V'ei'ka, who applied to Kysa's face. Several years later she became the Temple of V'ei'ka Guardian. As the Temple of V'ei'ka Guardian she was also one of Kysa's top priestesses.