| - The Garthim are large clawed warriors of amazing strength. The Garthim carried out the commands of SkekUng the Garthim-Master. The creatures were created by SkekTek the scientist and lived in caverns beneath the Castle of the Crystal. The Garthim were dispatched to ravage Thra and returned with captive Gelfings or Podlings for the Skeksis to enslave and drain their essence. The Garthim fabrication unit consisted of Peter Bennion, Bob Keen, Ron Nash, Bill Dennis, Guy Grebot, Helen Pettit, Peter Gillow, and Dominic Farrugia.
- The Garthim were the strike force of the Skeksis, powered by The Dark Crystal. They were created after the Skeksis discovered the prophecy revealing that a Gelfling would reverse The Great Division. The word "Garthim" is a plural noun, with no singular. When Jen healed the Crystal, and purged it of darkness, the Garthim collapsed into heaps of empty shells.
- The Garthim are large clawed warriors of amazing strength on "The Dark Crystal" and they are the personal army of mechanical soldiers to the Skeksis. The Garthim carried out the commands of SkekUng the Garthim-Master. The Garthim were created by SkekTek the scientist and lived in caverns beneath the Castle of the Crystal. The Garthim were dispatched to ravage Thra and returned with captive Gelfings or Podlings for the Skeksis to enslave and drain their essence. They act as the movie's secondary antagonists.
| - The Garthim are large clawed warriors of amazing strength. The Garthim carried out the commands of SkekUng the Garthim-Master. The creatures were created by SkekTek the scientist and lived in caverns beneath the Castle of the Crystal. The Garthim were dispatched to ravage Thra and returned with captive Gelfings or Podlings for the Skeksis to enslave and drain their essence. Physically, they resemble a cross between a beetle and a crab and do not appear to be "alive" in the purest sense of the word: at the end of The Dark Crystal, they simply fall apart like suits of armor, revealing nothing within. It's possible they may be a form of robot, like a golem. The Garthim fabrication unit consisted of Peter Bennion, Bob Keen, Ron Nash, Bill Dennis, Guy Grebot, Helen Pettit, Peter Gillow, and Dominic Farrugia. Since 2015, a Garthim puppet is on display at the Center for Puppetry Arts as part of their permanent Worlds of Puppetry exhibit.
- The Garthim are large clawed warriors of amazing strength on "The Dark Crystal" and they are the personal army of mechanical soldiers to the Skeksis. The Garthim carried out the commands of SkekUng the Garthim-Master. The Garthim were created by SkekTek the scientist and lived in caverns beneath the Castle of the Crystal. The Garthim were dispatched to ravage Thra and returned with captive Gelfings or Podlings for the Skeksis to enslave and drain their essence. They act as the movie's secondary antagonists. Physically, they resemble a cross between a beetle and a crab and don't appear to be 'alive' in the purest sense of the word: at the end of the Dark Crystal, they simply fall apart like suits of armor, revealing nothing within. It's possible they may be a form of robot, like a golem.
- The Garthim were the strike force of the Skeksis, powered by The Dark Crystal. They were created after the Skeksis discovered the prophecy revealing that a Gelfling would reverse The Great Division. The word "Garthim" is a plural noun, with no singular. The Garthim were huge, tentacled, black-carapaced flea-like creatures, armed with powerful claws and moved with a loud ticking sound. The Garthim were also immensely powerful, easily able to smash through stone walls and destroy anything regardless of it's construction, including Aughra's Orrery. When not in battle, they stood like sentries in the corridors and pits of The Castle of the Crystal, standing immobile until given a command. They were created through the combined efforts of skekTek and skekUng, and were apparently modelled on sea creatures originating from the urSkek homeworld. Archaeologists theorised that the Garthim, rather than being real creatures, were really thought projections, thus they kept depictions of them to a minimum. The Garthim's sole purpose was destruction, and would follow orders from their Skeksis overlords without question. It was unknown whether or not they could kill a Skeksis if ordered to do so by another, but skekUng planned to test this when he suspected skekTek of betrayal. They could also be controlled by the urRu to a limited extent. Aughra expressed doubt as to whether or not they were truly killable, though the Gelfling Lahr discovered that they could be defeated by stabbing at weak points in their armour. They were implacable enemies of the Landstriders which, although vastly outnumbered and outmatched in physical strength, could use their speed to swiftly cripple the Garthim. When Jen healed the Crystal, and purged it of darkness, the Garthim collapsed into heaps of empty shells.