| - Su arma, el sable pistola, es una de las armas más emblemáticas de la serie de Final Fantasy .
- Squall Leonhart, o simplemente "León", es un personaje de los juegos de Kingdom Hearts, originario del universo de Final Fantasy. Se le vio por primera vez en Final Fantasy VIII. León ayuda a Sora, Donald y Goofy en su lucha contra los Sincorazón.
- Squall Leonhart est le protagoniste principal du jeu Final Fantasy VIII. Jeune et distant membre du SeeD durant la grande majorité du jeu, les autres le voient comme quelqu'un de froid et de concentré sur ses objectifs. Les évènements qui se dérouleront dans la partie vont amener Squall à remettre en question ses choix sur la voie qu'il suit, et il deviendra un escrimeur héroïque et bienveillant. L'arme de Squall, la Gunblade, est une des armes emblématiques du monde de Final Fantasy VIII. Avec Seifer, ils font partie des rares personnes à la maîtriser.
- Spuall fires an bunch of bullet into the opponents. This weapon have a long range, but sadly shot only 4 until stopping. You can use all four shot, since both the last one had much higher knockback than the rest. It is rather difficult to pull off the full attack, as the attack requires timing on each blow to follow up.
- Squall idolizes the mythical winged lion Griever, holding it as an ideal of courage and strength, traits he wishes to possess himself. The lion has come to be his symbol, the same way Rinoa is associated with angel wings.
- Squall Leonhart is the primary protagonist of Final Fantasy VIII. A young and aloof SeeD mercenary for much of the game, others view Squall as a cold and focused person. The game's events cause Squall to question the way he has chosen to live his life, and he matures into a heroic and caring swordsman. Squall's weapon, the gunblade, is one of the most iconic weapons of the Final Fantasy series. He is a gunblade specialist and is one of the few people to have mastered the notoriously difficult weapon, along with Seifer.
- Squall Leonhart (jap. スコール・レオンハート, Sukōru Reonhāto) ist der Hauptcharakter aus Final Fantasy VIII. Er gehört zu den SEED des Balamb Gardens und trägt die Schülernummer 41269.
- Squall, also referred to as Leon, is a character from Final Fantasy VIII. He is played by Nick Lunetta.
- Squall Leonhart is a player character in Final Fantasy VIII.
- Squall Leonhart, mostly called as Squall or Leon, is the main character in Final Fantasy VIII.
- Er ist der Sohn von Hayate und Storm II. und aus der Zukunft in die Vergangenheit gereist. Da in seiner Zeit Lucifer noch lebt, ist er keine Wiedergeburt von ihm und obwohl er dämonische Gene in sich hat, ist er ein Gegner der Dämonen. Seine Seele wurde in ein Schwert (Nanatsusaya) verbannt, welches Lucifer an sich riss und damit Squalls eigene Tochter tötete und damit das Schwert sündig und unrein machte, damit es die Hölle stützen kann, während er nicht da ist. Squall ist einst auch mit Raphael fusioniert.
- A Squall is a sudden, sharp increase in wind speed which usually is associated with active weather, such as rain showers, thunderstorms, or heavy snow. Squalls refer to an increase in the non-sustained winds over an extended time interval, as there may be lower gusts during a squall event. They rarely occur in regions of strong mid-level height falls, or mid-level tropospheric cooling, which force strong localized upward motions at the leading edge of the region of cooling, which then eliminates local downward motions just in its wake. Oh, and he's the hero of Final Fantasy VIII.
- Trafił do Ogrodu Balamb mając około 5 lat i rozpoczął tutaj naukę wraz z innymi studentami na członka elitarnej jednostki bojowej nazywanej SeeD. Od chwili gdy go poznajemy ma na czole charakterystyczną bliznę będącą wynikiem starcia z Seiferem, z którym rywalizuje od czasu dzieciństwa. Jest typem samotnika, który rzadko okazuje jakiekolwiek emocje, przez co robi wrażenie nieczułego odludka. Chociaż jak większość bohaterów ma luki w pamięci zachował w podświadomości wspomnienie o Ellone nazywanej „siostrzyczką, z którą został rozdzielony w dzieciństwie i to uczyniło go takim nieufnym wobec ludzi i perspektywą wiązania się z nimi. Żyje w przekonaniu, że trzeba liczyć wyłącznie na siebie i posłusznie wypełnia rozkazy nie kwestionując ich. Kiedy wyrusza na swoją pierwszą misję nawiedza go rów
- Squall Leonhart ist der Hauptheld in Final Fantasy VIII. Als SEED-Anwärter des Balamb-Gardens bereitet er sich auf die große Prüfung vor, den um zugelassen zu werden muss Squall erst noch einen niederen Guardian Forces(Ifrit) bezwiegen. Zusammen mit seiner Ausbilderin Quistis absolviert er den Auftrag und wird zur Offiziellen SEED-Prüfung zugelassen. Die Prüfung besteht aus einem Realen Schlachtfeld, das heißt für jeden Prüfling das er schlimmstenfalls Hier sein Leben lassen kann und als ob das nicht schon Übel genug klingt, ist sein Teamleiter sein größter Erzfind Cifer.
- Squall Leonhart is the main protagonist of Final Fantasy VIII. A young and aloof SeeD mercenary, others view him as cold and focused. The game's events cause Squall to question the way he has chosen to live his life, and he matures into a heroic and caring swordsman. Squall is later given the title Commander (委員長, Iinchō?, lit. Chairman). Squall's weapon, the gunblade, is one of the most iconic weapons of the Final Fantasy series and is one of the few people to have mastered the notoriously difficult weapon, along with Seifer.
- Squall Leonhart is also known as the greatest video game character ever. Famous quotes:
* "...Whatever."
* "..."
* "Who cares?" Squall is the main character of Final Fantasy VIII, but his post-2002 success has lead some to believe that much of his popularity should be tied back to the additional exposure that Kingdom Hearts earned him (see also: KHF).
- Squall Leonhart è uno dei personaggi più celebri creati dalla Square-Enix, reso celebre dalla sua prima apparizione come taciturno protagonista belloccio di Final Fantasy VIII e consacrato grazie alla costante catena di riciclaggio nota come Kingdom Hearts.
- Squall Leonhart è il protagonista di Final Fantasy VIII. Giovane solitario e laconico, è uno studente modello nella scuola militare conosciuta come Garden di Balamb, ed è specializzato nell'uso dell'arma chiamata Gunblade, un ibrido di spada e pistola. Dopo essere entrato a far parte dell'élite militare conosciuta come SeeD, riceve la missione di aiutare un gruppo ribelle di un paese in guerra contro la superpotenza di Galbadia. Durante questa missione, conosce Rinoa, una ragazza idealista che, assieme all'evolversi della storia, contribuirà a cambiare per sempre la sua vita.