| - They are peaceful creatures that can spawn on nearly every solid natural block (most likely not on crafted blocks though) and in every biome, during day and night. If a Keepa (of any kind) is near, you will be "alerted" by an Arcstone-symbol showing up on your compass-bar on top of your screen that radiates light blue semi-circles for a second or two. If they spot player-characters or if player-characters approach them, Silver Keepas will be scared and will run away. They will usually run into the exact opposite direction, directly away from players, so players can use this habit to chase Keepas into traps of different sorts (by using "Shift" to run as the default key). Keepas seem to lose stamina when running, so they have to take breaks, and sometimes (especially when taking a breath) they seem to get hympnotized by the Arcstone on their antenna which makes them pause a bit longer. Silver Keepas will not fight back when being attacked or while being tamed, but they will run away if they are not trapped. Silver Keepas can be cornered at "high" cliffs of at least 3 blocks height, they can be chased into pits (that will have to be 3 blocks deep) or can be "trapped" by building walls of at least 3 blocks height around them. Since R30 on April 6th 2016 Keepas can swim, however it's also still possible for them to drown in liquids. If killed, Silver Keepas might drop 1-30 Arcstones (in any case), rarely more, also Coal, Gunpowder, Moss Torches and/or Basic Extractors (can vary) in a significantly larger amount than ordinary blue Keepas do. Silver Keepas might also often drop Stone Mining Cells, Wood Walls, Explosive Bombs, Obsidian Ore, TNT, Stun Bombs, Blue Carpets, Beeswax, Cragwood and/or Leather armor. The pet-harvest of Silver Keepas consists of 1-5 Arcstones every time, plus Silver Keepas will also often give Coal Torches, Blue Pigments, other Pigments (more rarely), Brown Mushrooms, Extractors, Advanced Extractors, Stacked Stone Wall, Red Wood Walls, Melted Wax, Stun Bombs and other explosives, pieces of Obsidian armor, Obsidian Swords, Obsidian Mining Cells and occasionally even rare recipes like Dark Lumite Wall, Light Lumite Wall and Adobe building blocks (as of R26 in December 2015).