| - Flameflower gritted her teeth, snapping her stick in half. "Push! Come on, you can do it!" the medicine cat, Featherheart, told her. Flameflower cringed as the first kit, a ginger-yellow tom, slid out. She would have puffed her chest out in pride if it hadn't been for the fact that she was kitting. Before she could finish her thought, another kit slid out, a dark gray she-kit. "One more, right?" the medicine cat apprentice, Waterpaw, asked. "Yes," Featherheart told her, just as a brown she-kit slid out. "You did it!" Flameflower's mate, Graynose, purred. "What will we name them?"
| - Flameflower gritted her teeth, snapping her stick in half. "Push! Come on, you can do it!" the medicine cat, Featherheart, told her. Flameflower cringed as the first kit, a ginger-yellow tom, slid out. She would have puffed her chest out in pride if it hadn't been for the fact that she was kitting. Before she could finish her thought, another kit slid out, a dark gray she-kit. "One more, right?" the medicine cat apprentice, Waterpaw, asked. "Yes," Featherheart told her, just as a brown she-kit slid out. "You did it!" Flameflower's mate, Graynose, purred. "What will we name them?" "Well," Flameflower replied. "I can't think of any. But the brown one is Mousekit, like the Clan leader, Mousestar." Graynose wanted to cheer. He could name the kits! "The gray one is Rainkit," he mewed, resting his tail on the gray she-kit's head. "And the ginger one is Lightningkit. Flameflower smiled. "My kits will be perfect," she murmured as the kits suckled. "They'll be strong and wonderful."