| - • • • • • • • • • en:Parasimon Parasimon es un Digimon Tipo Parásito. Su nombre deriva de "parásito".
- Parasimon sind Parasitendigimon mit pinker Haut und einem einzelnen, großen Auge. Zudem besitzen sie 8 Beine. Im Vergleich zu anderen Mega-Digimon sind sie eher schwach, allerdings treten sie nur selten allein auf, was diesen Umstand wieder ausgleicht.
- Parasimon is a Parasite Digimon whose name and design are derived from "Parasite". It is a special Digimon that can't survive without leeching off of other beings, even though it is a Mega. Parasimon is powerless when by itself, but when it gathers in numbers, it can easily defeat Champion Digimon. When Parasimon leeches off of another, it can draw out the host Digimon's abilities to their utmost limit, exhibiting a terrifying power. Also, it can amplify the host's desires, and it is capable of taking advantage of those weaknesses. The existence of Parasite Digimon types other than Parasimon has been confirmed, and the influence of Parasite Digimon, in addition to viralization, is considered the cause of berserk Digimon.
- Parasimon are the main antagonists in the movie; Digimon Tamers; Runaway Locomon.
- Parasimon is a mega level, virus type, machine attribute parasitic Digimon who debuted in the third season of the anime. It usually digivolves from Datamon and is, although being a mega somewhat weak in little numbers, when several join forces they can get devistating. It is very similar to a parasite in real world, leaching on to other Digimon, exposing their weakness.