| - Mahjarrat (formerly known as Elfik94) is a RuneScape player who started playing in 2006. Level 99 skills as of 7th December 2012: Magic, Constitution, Attack, Strength. His username, after RS-specific race, may be considered rare by some. On RSOF (2008-2011), he used to run and contribute to many suggestions and feedback threads related to the magic skill. By the end of 2011, he was permanently banned from RSOF for flaming and arguing with forum and jagex moderators. Forum ban does not affect his account standing in the matters of in-game ban danger.
- The Mahjarrat are an ancient powerful race. They originally came from the realm of Freneskae, a dimension of constant warfare, to fight in the Gods' wars. They have strong necromantic abilities and can live for thousands of years, possibly forever. Once every 500 years, they must sacrifice one of their number in order to sustain their power. There are four known Mahjarrat in RuneScape Classic.
- Alun perin Mahjarratit olivat Icthlarinin kannattajia mutta myöhemmin Mahjarrateista tuli Zarosin voimakkaimpia sotilaita. Itchlarin toi Mahjarratit Ferneskaesta. Ferneskae oli loputtomien sotien ja taisteluiden maailma. Useimmat Mahjarratit liittoutuivat Zamorakin kanssa, kun Zamorak petti Zarosin, halutessaan itse jumalaksi. Zamorak onnistui tässä ja Zarosin kannattajat joutuivat epäsuosioon.
- Mahjarrat to rasa rządząca wojną. Powstała w świecie Freneskae, a do Gielinoru sprowadził ją bóg Icthlarin, jednak szybko Mahjarrat stali się wojownikami Zarosa. Zamorak (który był wtedy Mahjarrat) , zbuntował się przeciw swojemu władcy i stał się wodzem reszty Mahjarrat i jest nim aż do dziś. Obecnie wielu Mahjarrat udało się na północ, by wziąć udział w tajemniczym Rytuale
- The Mahjarrat are often manipulative or Machiavellian in nature. They are for the most part seeking power in various ways, either by gaining the loyalty of followers or by searching for knowledge or magical items. In addition to this, they are often very distrustful of each other. Every 500 years, the Mahjarrat must sacrifice one of their own in what is known as the Ritual of Rejuvenation. Doing this allows them to replenish their powers, which they then slowly lose over the centuries until the next ritual. Without the ritual, the Mahjarrat would presumably eventually die.
- Ze werden van Freneskae naar Gielinor gebracht door de woestijngod Icthlarin, maar al snel lieten de Mahjarrat hem in de steek en werden ze volgelingen van Zaros. Ze werden toen ook The Stern Judges of Icthlarin of The Faceless Ones genoemd door de inwoners van de Kharidian desert, maar dergelijke benamingen worden niet vaak meer gebruikt. De Mahjarrat quest serie draait om dit ras, maar ze komen ook in een aantal andere quests voor, aangezien ze doorgaans een grote rol spelen in de geschiedenis van Gielinor.
- leftOs Mahjarrat são uma tribo dos Sonhos de Mah criados pela deusa anciã Mah guerreira e mortal, originária do planeta Freneskae. Originalmente, foram trazidos para Guilenor pelo deus desértico Icthlarin, mas logo se tornaram os guerreiros preferidos do deus Zaros. Em 2009, foi lançada a série de missões dos Mahjarrat, que tinha como tema central essa raça, embora eles também estejam envolvidos em outras missões e tenham presença em boa parte da história de Guilenor como um todo. O auge da participação destes seres na história do jogo foi em setembro de 2011, na missão Ritual do Mahjarrat. Desde então, eles continuam a participar da história e influenciar nos acontecimentos da Sexta Era.
- Each Rejuvenation makes the Mahjarrat more powerful than they were at the last rejuvenation, making them increase in power over the years "and potentially maybe even reaching godhood levels". The average Mahjarrat is approximately one and a half times as tall as a human. Mahjarrat possess the ability to detect other members of their race around the world, although certain circumstances can circumvent this. In addition to extremely powerful magic, they are shapeshifters, able to take on almost any form at will. Maintaining a disguise for extended periods saps much of their power, however.
- Categoría:RuneScape Wiki:Artículos en traducción left thumb|concepto de arte de los mahjarrat Los Mahjarrat son unos guerreros, muy potentes, pero mortal Race, originalmente del plano de la Freneskae usando magias excepcionalmente fuerte. Traído a Gielinor por la Menaphite god Icthlarin, que pronto se convirtió en el más poderoso de los soldados del dios Zaros. Se les refirió una vez como The Stern Judges of Icthlarin y Faceless Ones por el pueblo Menaphite, pero sus términos no son comunes. El Mahjarrat Quest Series gira en torno a la Raza, aunque también están involucrados en una serie de otras misiones y, en general desempeñan un papel importante en la historia de Gielinorian en su conjunto.
- Mahjarratene, også kjent som "The Stern Judges Of Icthlarin" av Menaphiter som Queen Senliten, er en fiendtlig rase, opprinnelig fra riket av Freneskae. De ble også kalt "The faceless/de ansiktsløse" fordi de har evnen til å skifte form De ble brakt til Gielnor av Menaphite guden Icthlarin, og ble også senere de mektige soldatene til guden Zaros. Flere ulike Mahjarrater er brukt i ulike quester.
| - Ze werden van Freneskae naar Gielinor gebracht door de woestijngod Icthlarin, maar al snel lieten de Mahjarrat hem in de steek en werden ze volgelingen van Zaros. Ze werden toen ook The Stern Judges of Icthlarin of The Faceless Ones genoemd door de inwoners van de Kharidian desert, maar dergelijke benamingen worden niet vaak meer gebruikt. De Mahjarrat quest serie draait om dit ras, maar ze komen ook in een aantal andere quests voor, aangezien ze doorgaans een grote rol spelen in de geschiedenis van Gielinor. De meeste Mahjarrat kozen de kant van Zamorak toen hij op het einde van de Second Age Zaros verraadde. Dit zorgde voor een diepe verdeeldheid binnen de Mahjarrat tussen de volgelingen van Zamorak en zij die Zaros trouw bleven. Het is niet bekend hoeveel Mahjarrat er vandaag de dag op Gielinor leven, aangezien Azzanadra het volgende zegt: ""Let op, sterveling, er kunnen er nog honderd van ons op deze wereld zijn, met nog vele tientallen meer die teruggekeerd zijn uit andere werelden, maar even goed kunnen er nog maar tien overblijven, elk zo machtig als een van jouw legers." Na het achttiende ritueel zijn er negen (tien met Hazeel) bekende en levende Mahjarrat.
- leftOs Mahjarrat são uma tribo dos Sonhos de Mah criados pela deusa anciã Mah guerreira e mortal, originária do planeta Freneskae. Originalmente, foram trazidos para Guilenor pelo deus desértico Icthlarin, mas logo se tornaram os guerreiros preferidos do deus Zaros. Em 2009, foi lançada a série de missões dos Mahjarrat, que tinha como tema central essa raça, embora eles também estejam envolvidos em outras missões e tenham presença em boa parte da história de Guilenor como um todo. O auge da participação destes seres na história do jogo foi em setembro de 2011, na missão Ritual do Mahjarrat. Desde então, eles continuam a participar da história e influenciar nos acontecimentos da Sexta Era. A maior parte dos Mahjarrat se aliaram a Zamorak quando ele traiu Zaros no final da Segunda Era, criando uma grande rivalidade entre os Mahjarrat Zamorakistas e os Zarosianos. Não se sabe quantos ainda estão vivos atualmente, embora Azzanadra, um dos mais notáveis Mahjarrat, tenha dito: "Tenha cuidado, mortal, podem haver tantos quanto uma centena de nós ainda neste mundo, com dúzias mais vindos de outras dimensões, mas da mesma forma podem haver tão poucos quanto uma dezena, cada um tão poderoso quanto qualquer um de seus exércitos."
- Mahjarrat (formerly known as Elfik94) is a RuneScape player who started playing in 2006. Level 99 skills as of 7th December 2012: Magic, Constitution, Attack, Strength. His username, after RS-specific race, may be considered rare by some. On RSOF (2008-2011), he used to run and contribute to many suggestions and feedback threads related to the magic skill. By the end of 2011, he was permanently banned from RSOF for flaming and arguing with forum and jagex moderators. Forum ban does not affect his account standing in the matters of in-game ban danger.
- Categoría:RuneScape Wiki:Artículos en traducción left thumb|concepto de arte de los mahjarrat Los Mahjarrat son unos guerreros, muy potentes, pero mortal Race, originalmente del plano de la Freneskae usando magias excepcionalmente fuerte. Traído a Gielinor por la Menaphite god Icthlarin, que pronto se convirtió en el más poderoso de los soldados del dios Zaros. Se les refirió una vez como The Stern Judges of Icthlarin y Faceless Ones por el pueblo Menaphite, pero sus términos no son comunes. El Mahjarrat Quest Series gira en torno a la Raza, aunque también están involucrados en una serie de otras misiones y, en general desempeñan un papel importante en la historia de Gielinorian en su conjunto. La mayoría de Mahjarrat se aliaron con Zamorak cuando traicionó a Zaros al final de la Second Age, creando un cisma profundo entre Zamorakians de la Raza y leales Zarosian. No se sabe cuántos más han sobrevivido hasta nuestros días, como Azzanadra, afirma "Tenga en cuenta, mortal, que podría haber hasta un centenar de nosotros todavía en este mundo, con decenas más de volver de otros reinos, pero igualmente podría haber tan sólo diez, cada uno tan poderoso como uno de sus ejércitos. "
- The Mahjarrat are an ancient powerful race. They originally came from the realm of Freneskae, a dimension of constant warfare, to fight in the Gods' wars. They have strong necromantic abilities and can live for thousands of years, possibly forever. Once every 500 years, they must sacrifice one of their number in order to sustain their power. There are four known Mahjarrat in RuneScape Classic.
- The Mahjarrat are often manipulative or Machiavellian in nature. They are for the most part seeking power in various ways, either by gaining the loyalty of followers or by searching for knowledge or magical items. In addition to this, they are often very distrustful of each other. Every 500 years, the Mahjarrat must sacrifice one of their own in what is known as the Ritual of Rejuvenation. Doing this allows them to replenish their powers, which they then slowly lose over the centuries until the next ritual. Without the ritual, the Mahjarrat would presumably eventually die. Only a handful Mahjarrat remain in the world today.
- Alun perin Mahjarratit olivat Icthlarinin kannattajia mutta myöhemmin Mahjarrateista tuli Zarosin voimakkaimpia sotilaita. Itchlarin toi Mahjarratit Ferneskaesta. Ferneskae oli loputtomien sotien ja taisteluiden maailma. Useimmat Mahjarratit liittoutuivat Zamorakin kanssa, kun Zamorak petti Zarosin, halutessaan itse jumalaksi. Zamorak onnistui tässä ja Zarosin kannattajat joutuivat epäsuosioon.
- Mahjarrat to rasa rządząca wojną. Powstała w świecie Freneskae, a do Gielinoru sprowadził ją bóg Icthlarin, jednak szybko Mahjarrat stali się wojownikami Zarosa. Zamorak (który był wtedy Mahjarrat) , zbuntował się przeciw swojemu władcy i stał się wodzem reszty Mahjarrat i jest nim aż do dziś. Obecnie wielu Mahjarrat udało się na północ, by wziąć udział w tajemniczym Rytuale
- Each Rejuvenation makes the Mahjarrat more powerful than they were at the last rejuvenation, making them increase in power over the years "and potentially maybe even reaching godhood levels". The average Mahjarrat is approximately one and a half times as tall as a human. Mahjarrat possess the ability to detect other members of their race around the world, although certain circumstances can circumvent this. In addition to extremely powerful magic, they are shapeshifters, able to take on almost any form at will. Maintaining a disguise for extended periods saps much of their power, however. Although not immortal, Mahjarrat age slowly, and in the period of time before the next ritual takes place, their flesh decays, and they are able to survive as skeletal beings for some time, regaining their flesh with the next ritual they attend. Provided that they continue to attend the rituals (or find some other source of rejuvenation), they are not likely to die of natural causes. Prior to the death of Mah, this Ritual of Rejuvenation is an event that takes place amongst the Mahjarrat when the planets are in alignment, and they have agreed to have one every five hundred years, although this has been different in the past. During the ritual, a sacrifice amongst the Mahjarrat is decided, usually through battle, who is killed in order to rejuvenate the others. The Mahjarrat is sacrificed and the nearby ritual marker channels their power into the surviving members. In addition, each rejuvenation makes a Mahjarrat slightly more powerful than the last. This sequence of rituals allows the Mahjarrat to be practically immortal, not dying of age, and dying out at the same time. Unlike the Dragonkin, however, who cannot die of age either, Mahjarrat are able to reproduce. Most of the Mahjarrat were brought to Gielinor by the Menaphite god Icthlarin, but soon left his service and became the most powerful soldiers of the god Zaros. They were once referred to as The Stern Judges of Icthlarin and the Faceless Ones by the Menaphite people, but such terms are no longer commonplace. Senliten mentions the history of her lands, where she will talk about the Stern Judges. The Mahjarrat Quest Series revolves around them, although they also are involved in a number of other quests and generally play a significant role in Gielinorian history as a whole. In general, most (Saradominist) humans fear the Mahjarrat, some even considering them to be a myth, referring to them as evil and foul beings or even demons, most likely due to the lack of knowledge about them. Although Icthlarin brought a vast majority of the Mahjarrat to Gielinor, some stayed in Freneskae for unknown reasons. Many Mahjarrat like Wahisietel do not know of their existence or forgot it due to the immense gap of time. Most Mahjarrat allied themselves with Zamorak when he betrayed Zaros at the end of the Second Age, creating a deep schism between the tribe's Zamorakians and Zarosian loyalists. It is unknown how many still survive to this day, as Azzanadra states "Be aware, mortal, there could be as many as a hundred of us still upon this world, with dozens more returned from other realms, but equally there could be as few as ten, each as mighty as one of your armies." After the eighteenth ritual, there are only nine (ten including Hazeel) known living Mahjarrat on Gielinor, with the current status of at least two being unknown. However, due to the fact that there are no more alive Mahjarrat mentioned in Zemouregal's notes, and that none of the other Mahjarrat have ever mentioned another of their kind being alive on Gielinor, it is highly unlikely that there are more Mahjarrat on Gielinor. __TOC__
- Mahjarratene, også kjent som "The Stern Judges Of Icthlarin" av Menaphiter som Queen Senliten, er en fiendtlig rase, opprinnelig fra riket av Freneskae. De ble også kalt "The faceless/de ansiktsløse" fordi de har evnen til å skifte form De ble brakt til Gielnor av Menaphite guden Icthlarin, og ble også senere de mektige soldatene til guden Zaros. Flere ulike Mahjarrater er brukt i ulike quester. De fleste Mahjarratene allierte seg med Zamorak etter at han forrådte Zaros. Det er ukjent hvor mange som lever idag, som Azzandra sier: "Vær klar, dødelig, kan det være så mange som hundre av oss fremdeles på denne verden, med mange flere returnerte fra andre Realms, men like det kan være så få som ti, hver så mektig som en av dine hærer."