| - Summer Break, twelve teenagers, one boat, a trip that they will never forget. A group of friends passed their exams, they all have been graduated. To celebrate this, they all decides to make a cruise. One month after, they all founded the money necessary for paying the trip, they finally leave California. In the morning, a beautiful beach, huge palm trees. The boat had sunk all night and pretty much evryone died, but strangely the twelve survivors who had landed on what was looking like as desert Island were our teenagers. This question is gonna be answered now.
| - Summer Break, twelve teenagers, one boat, a trip that they will never forget. A group of friends passed their exams, they all have been graduated. To celebrate this, they all decides to make a cruise. One month after, they all founded the money necessary for paying the trip, they finally leave California. Everything was going great, they were having fun, chilling in the jacuzzi, acting dumb, having good time. On the second night, the sea was starting to get turbulent. Our friends weren't worried at all. They should have been. Evrything turned into a dissaster, the boat hit on huge rocks and ended up sinking. This was looking like the end for them. In the morning, a beautiful beach, huge palm trees. The boat had sunk all night and pretty much evryone died, but strangely the twelve survivors who had landed on what was looking like as desert Island were our teenagers. After they all got back to reality, they looked at eachothers and thought all the same thing, "How are we gonna get out of here?" This question is gonna be answered now.