Home once more, in my sitting room. Strange how once this parlor held solace for me, now holds emptiness. So many months in crowded quarters with those I called white devils, now I call friends. The scullery maid is so quiet. She tip toes around as if a monster has entered her home. The Butler has only one word answers when I attempt to engage him in conversations, and the druidic order took the copies of the manuscript I had acquired and left in a rush to marvel over it's mysteries. Not even Patrick stayed long. Though his red hair and attractive face does not seem to pull me as it once did. At least my find keeps me in comfort in this home. This empty home. I am almost ashamed to say I miss the company of the spit fire Tiranna, always trying to out maneuver her overly protective father.
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| - Home once more, in my sitting room. Strange how once this parlor held solace for me, now holds emptiness. So many months in crowded quarters with those I called white devils, now I call friends. The scullery maid is so quiet. She tip toes around as if a monster has entered her home. The Butler has only one word answers when I attempt to engage him in conversations, and the druidic order took the copies of the manuscript I had acquired and left in a rush to marvel over it's mysteries. Not even Patrick stayed long. Though his red hair and attractive face does not seem to pull me as it once did. At least my find keeps me in comfort in this home. This empty home. I am almost ashamed to say I miss the company of the spit fire Tiranna, always trying to out maneuver her overly protective father.
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| - Home once more, in my sitting room. Strange how once this parlor held solace for me, now holds emptiness. So many months in crowded quarters with those I called white devils, now I call friends. The scullery maid is so quiet. She tip toes around as if a monster has entered her home. The Butler has only one word answers when I attempt to engage him in conversations, and the druidic order took the copies of the manuscript I had acquired and left in a rush to marvel over it's mysteries. Not even Patrick stayed long. Though his red hair and attractive face does not seem to pull me as it once did. At least my find keeps me in comfort in this home. This empty home. I am almost ashamed to say I miss the company of the spit fire Tiranna, always trying to out maneuver her overly protective father. Or Verdies ministrations and clanking in the engine room. I hope she enjoys the gifts I have ordered for her before we began our journey home. Even Dr Orpheuses dark grumblings are sorely missed. Ah and Colonel Gentlemen and his doubly dueled nature. Something in him appeals to me and I miss our lessons in marksmanship or sorcery. At least I managed one more before we disembarked our fine ship with no name (Average +). I have grown fond of our nights around the dinner table, chatting about this and that. Or playing games of chance with chores and responsibilities as our stakes. Here I have none, for the servants do it all for me. I do hope the Count calls us all together again soon. I am lonely.