| - The Aethion Expanded Multiverse was invented by Bionicle fansite BZ Power reference keeper bonesiii and Bionicle Wiki Biosecter 01 owner Swert in 2009 as a fan universe that anyone could set their fanfics in, and be considered "fanon" in that universe. The three leaders of the Expanded Multiverse (Bzp reference keeper, writer, and All-around-smart guy who makes everyone else feel as if they fail at arguing bonesiii, Bionicle Wiki BS 01 owner Swert, and prominant fanfiction writer Takuta-Nui) also write a series called The Cipher Chronicles, which helpsto flesh out the story and solve some of many mysteries of the EM, such as why it's there' The Aethion Expanded Mulitverse contains eight planets, all but three possessing a single continent and a lot of ocean, each refered to by an English name (all of which are Exactly What It Says on the Tin, so why bother linking eight times?) and a Bionicle-sounding one: Alarist, which is Bionicle sites Bzpower and Biosecter01 as continents known as Central, with the continents Wiki-Nui for BS 01, and Bz-Koro for BZP, volcanic Tanuuk also known as Tyrant (thanks to it's system of goverment), Izumal or Enlightened, home of the super-advanced Blue Blood citizens of The City and the hackers who live in the (high-tech) silver and gold plains outside of said city, Promathus, or Industrial, a vaguely Steampunk world dedicated to buiding things, Atohune, aka Tribal, yet another Single Biome Planet, this one a jungle, with all of the inhabitants being, well, tribes, Clysmax, which was actuall split into six single biome fragments after a Earthshattering Kaboom, Barrawahi (which is more or less the actual Bionicle language word for Crapsack World, or Warzone, where six clans fight over...something... and Enigma, which no one knows anything about. These eight planets are suspended in a substance/energy/thing called Bluespace that vaporizes anything it touches, which means that getting from one to the other is only possible via Olmak Totems and Cargo stars. Oh, and there are Negative Space Wedgies floating around teleporting people to different planets/parts of planets, turning the Laws of Logic into Somewhat-Enforced Suggestions of Logic, and killing people.