| - Formerly known as Centinid Johnson, he was a common Centinid soldier and member of the old Centinid Army. He fought the War of the Hydregs and, after experiencing some Hydregs and even his own squadmates comitting horrendous war crimes, he wanted to avenge the souls of the innocent. He killed one of his squadmates during his sleep by inserting a magnet bomb into his mouth and then blowing it up. When asked about the incident, Johnson replied that "A Hydreg threw a grenade at the tent". The squadmate he killed was responsible for the death of several Hydreg children and some civilians. When the war was over, he went back to his homeland, only to discover that a horrible mushroom epidemy was plaguing the land. Several friends on his died in the plague and, after experiencing that horror, he withdrew from society for several years. After the end of the plague, he came back, but now as Shogun Slicerpede. He reformed his armor to be fully adapted to combat, making the armor more resistant, installing a handcannon and even attaching a jetpack to his back! He also bought a steel saber, which he insists its a katana. But it's not. It's a saber, d*mnit! Shogun Slicerpede first vigilante murder was capturing Iggy the Big Arthropod, a famous Centinid mad scientist who captured Centinids to experience with them, often commiting horrible acts, such as cutting their limbs off or dripping them in acid while serrating their legs. Sorry for the details. Shogun Slicerpede captured and tortured Iggy until he eventually succumbed to the wounds. He was seen as a local hero and Crafteegee even congratulated him, although he clearly stated that: "Please, you should hand those criminals to the justice, not make justice with your own hands. Not because i think they don't deserve this. It's just that not every accusation is true and you might kill the wrong guy..."Shogun just ignored Crafteegee's speech and proceeded to capture a quartet of Mi-Go who were accused to the death of seven Mi-Go children. Shogun quickly tortured and killed the four, only to later discover they were innocent and that the true criminals were still on the lose. He then became wanted by the govermnent of Magna's Galaxy, but he still commits justice by his own hands. And by his own saber. IT'S NOT A KATANA!