| - Born in Callander, Scotland, Destro’s full name was James McCullen Destro XXIV, and was Laird of Castle Destro in the Scottish Highlands. The Destro clan has designed and sold weapons for centuries, and Destro was the head of their current incarnation: M.A.R.S. (Military Armament Research Syndicate). He wore a mask forged from Beryllium Steel, a tradition dating back to the English Civil War, when an ancestor of his was caught selling weapons to both sides. Forced to wear a steel mask for his crimes (neither side wanted to execute the ancestor because they still wanted the weapons he sold), the Destro clan has since turned it into a symbol of pride, passing it down from father to son for over 20 generations. Destro was distantly related to Lady Jaye.
| - Born in Callander, Scotland, Destro’s full name was James McCullen Destro XXIV, and was Laird of Castle Destro in the Scottish Highlands. The Destro clan has designed and sold weapons for centuries, and Destro was the head of their current incarnation: M.A.R.S. (Military Armament Research Syndicate). He wore a mask forged from Beryllium Steel, a tradition dating back to the English Civil War, when an ancestor of his was caught selling weapons to both sides. Forced to wear a steel mask for his crimes (neither side wanted to execute the ancestor because they still wanted the weapons he sold), the Destro clan has since turned it into a symbol of pride, passing it down from father to son for over 20 generations. Destro was distantly related to Lady Jaye. Destro’s key characteristics were his sense of honor, a calm demeanor, and love for COBRA’s primary intelligence officer, the Baroness. As a businessman, Destro was cutthroat and unyielding. He used his own troops, the Iron Grenadiers, and hired mercenaries to stir up conflict in dangerous regions, then sold weapons to those armies. Continuing a tradition started by the first masked Destro, he would even sell to both sides of the same war.