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  • Gothos
  • Gothos
  • Gothos
  • Gothos
  • Gothos
  • TOS: "The Squire of Gothos" (018)(1967) (ap.)
  • Gothos is a PMC (private military company). They appear in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction (novel) and Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Endgame.
  • Gothos è un pianeta artificiale errante, creato da una bizzarra entità di nome Trelane intorno all'anno 2266. Trelane ha costruito il mondo e i vari artefatti su di esso allo scopo di poter interagire con le persone rapite dall'USS Enterprise. Gothos è un pianeta a base di ferro e silicio situato approssimativamente a 450 anni luce dalla Terra nel Quadrante 904.
  • thumb|Der Planet Gothos. Gothos ist ein Planet der künstlich von Trelane erschaffen worden ist. Der Planet befindet sich etwa 900 Lichtjahre von der Erde entfernt, im Quadranten 904. 2267 lebt auf dem Planet Trelane, der diesen Planet als Spielzeug benutzt. Trelane nennt sich auch der „Squire von Gothos“. 2267 fliegt die USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) zur Föderationskolonie Beta VI und muss dabei den Quadrant 904 durchfliegen, als plötzlich wie aus dem Nichts der Planet Gothos auftaucht. Darauf werden Captain Kirk und Lieutenant Sulu von Terlane auf die Planetenoberfläche entführt.
  • Gothos was an inhabited iron-silica planet-sized body of a magnitude 1E located in a star desert in Quadrant 904. In 2267, when the USS Enterprise was first intercepted by this body, it was eight days distant from Beta VI at warp factor three and Earth was 900 light years away. Gothos had no primary and a variable spatial position. The normal surface of the planet had no detectable soil or vegetation, an extremely hot, toxic atmosphere swept by tornadic storms, and continuous volcanic action – deadly to terrestrial and most other sorts of life without oxygen and life support.
  • 2267(xsd:integer)
  • Intact
  • Tall and gaunt, with greenish skin and long grey hair which he wore tied back. His tusk curled from his lower jaw on either side of a wide, slit mouth. A pronounced brow ridge hid his eyes.
  • Gothos
  • Gothos
  • Fan art by McDev
  • Immagine dall'orbita
  • The Lord of Hate
  • A
  • Prisoner of the Azath House
  • The Lord of Hate
  • Gothos remastered.jpg
  • Gothos remastered.jpg
  • Gothos
  • Gothos è un pianeta artificiale errante, creato da una bizzarra entità di nome Trelane intorno all'anno 2266. Trelane ha costruito il mondo e i vari artefatti su di esso allo scopo di poter interagire con le persone rapite dall'USS Enterprise. Gothos è un pianeta a base di ferro e silicio situato approssimativamente a 450 anni luce dalla Terra nel Quadrante 904. La normale superficie del pianeta, non ha nessun tipo di vegetazione ed è estremamente calda, l'atmosfera è tossica e senza ossigeno, sferzata da tornado e sottoposta continuamente ad eruzioni vulcaniche. Tali condizioni ambientali sono mortali per i terrestri e per molte altre forme di vita . Una squadra di sbarco composta da Leonard McCoy, Karl Jaeger, and DeSalle, viene teletrasportata a terra e scopre un oasi, creata da Trelane, con un atmosfera standard di tipo terrestre, una fiorente vegetazione e un grande castello. Anche se la maggior parte dei trucchi di Trelane sono realizzati con l'aiuto della macchina nascosta nel suo specchio, Spock teorizza che le condizioni ambientali e le strutture locali sono mantenute da altri dispositivi, macchine troppo grandi per essere contenute nell'abitazione di Trelane. Evidentemente questa supposizione è vera, in quanto le condizioni atmosferiche persistono anche dopo che Kirk distrugge lo specchio. Trelane è stato in grado di muovere Gothos ad una velocità sufficiente per superare l'Enterprise. Il metodo usato per ottenere questo risultato non è stato rivelato ma il pianeta era sufficientemente manovrabile per contrastare le tattiche evasive standard. (TOS: "Il cavaliere di Gothos") Informazioni di retroscenaSecondo le Star Trek: Star Charts, Gothos è un esempio di pianeta di Classe A Nell'episodio, Trelane afferma di vedere le gesta di Napoleone Bonaparte, di cui è ammiratore, attraverso il suo telescopio. Da ciò ne consegue che gli avvenimenti narrati nell'episodio dovrebbero collocarsi intorno all'anno 2700. Tuttavia l'episodio è collocato nel 2266 e questo pone Gothos ad una distanza di circa 450 anni luce dalla Terra.
  • thumb|Der Planet Gothos. Gothos ist ein Planet der künstlich von Trelane erschaffen worden ist. Der Planet befindet sich etwa 900 Lichtjahre von der Erde entfernt, im Quadranten 904. 2267 lebt auf dem Planet Trelane, der diesen Planet als Spielzeug benutzt. Trelane nennt sich auch der „Squire von Gothos“. 2267 fliegt die USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) zur Föderationskolonie Beta VI und muss dabei den Quadrant 904 durchfliegen, als plötzlich wie aus dem Nichts der Planet Gothos auftaucht. Darauf werden Captain Kirk und Lieutenant Sulu von Terlane auf die Planetenoberfläche entführt. Man versucht die beiden auf der Oberfläche des Planeten zu finden, aber mit den Sensoren lässt sich keine Spur von Leben auf dieser offenbar lebensfeindlichen Welt ausmachen. Man kann vielmehr nur eine stürmische Atmosphäre aus giftigen Gasen ausmachen. Die Stürme sind sogar so stark, dass man sie und die Blitze vom All aus sehen kann. Als sich jedoch ein Landetrupp aus Leonard McCoy, Karl Jaeger und DeSalle hinunterbeamt finden sie einen gerade zu paradiesischen Fleck vor, auf dem eine erdähnliche Atmosphäre herrscht und ein schloßähnliches Gebilde steht. Dort treffen sie auf Trelane und die beiden Entführten. Trelane will den Landetrupp und die Besatzung der Enterprise als Spielgefährten. Um seine Macht zu beweisen zeigt er Kirk die wahre Atmosphäre und lässt ihn dort fast sterben. Um von den Planet entkommen zu können müssen Kirk und seine Leute Trelane austricksen, was ihnen auch gelingt und sie können mit der Enterprise von Gothos fliehen. Aber Trelane lässt sich das nicht bieten und verfolgt mit seinem Planet die Enterprise. Er setzt mehrmals den Planten in den Kurs der Enterprise und das Schiff muss mehrmals Ausweichen, damit das Schiff nicht mit dem Planeten kollidiert. Um das Schiff zu retten ergibt sich Kirk und um Trelane zu unterhalten lässt Kirk sich in einem tödlichen Duell jagen. Gerade als Kirk am verlieren ist und Trelan d ihn töten will, erscheinen Trelans Eltern und halten ihren Sohn von der Dummheit ab. Trelane wird bestraft und die Eltern erhalten solange die Atmosphäre, bis Kirk den Planet verlässt. Was danach aus Gothos wird ist nicht bekannt. (TOS: )
  • TOS: "The Squire of Gothos" (018)(1967) (ap.)
  • Gothos is a PMC (private military company). They appear in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction (novel) and Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Endgame.
  • Gothos was an inhabited iron-silica planet-sized body of a magnitude 1E located in a star desert in Quadrant 904. In 2267, when the USS Enterprise was first intercepted by this body, it was eight days distant from Beta VI at warp factor three and Earth was 900 light years away. Gothos had no primary and a variable spatial position. The normal surface of the planet had no detectable soil or vegetation, an extremely hot, toxic atmosphere swept by tornadic storms, and continuous volcanic action – deadly to terrestrial and most other sorts of life without oxygen and life support. In reality, Gothos was artificially constructed by the entity Trelane sometime around 2267. Trelane manufactured the world, and various artifacts on it, for the purpose of interacting with individuals kidnapped from the Enterprise. Because Gothos was 900 light-years from Earth; Trelane viewed it as it was in the 14th century. Upon beaming down to the surface, the landing party consisting of McCoy, Jaeger, and DeSalle discovered an oasis-like condition – flourishing vegetation, standard Earth atmosphere, and a large castle-like structure, all manufactured by Trelane. Although most of Trelane's tricks were accomplished with the help of his mirror machine, a "medium of instrumentality," Spock theorized that the local conditions were maintained by a different machine – a machine too large to fit within Trelane's home. Evidently, this was true, since the atmospheric conditions persisted after Kirk destroyed the mirror machine. Trelane was able to move Gothos at speeds fast enough to outpace the Enterprise's flight. The method used to accomplish this was not revealed, but the planet was sufficiently maneuverable to thwart standard evasive tactics. After Trelane's parents said it was time to come in, they told Kirk they would sustain the planet's life support conditions before he left. (TOS: "The Squire of Gothos" ) In 2328, this planet was home to the Gothos Space Center. (TNG-R: "Inheritance" ) Despite being pushed through space and described as a "lone planet" by Spock, Kirk ordered Sulu to take them "[out of] their solar system", suggesting this planet was in orbit of a star instead of a rogue planet. According to Star Trek Maps (p. 26), Gothos was a rogue class H planetoid. It was listed as a prohibited planetoid, due to the dangerous life form that may be present on the surface. According to Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 22), Gothos was an example of an A-class planet under normal circumstances.
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