| - Profiles are given to all accounts on ROBLOX. Profiles show a wide range of information about one certain player, including Place Visits, Forum Posts, Friends, etc. KOs and WOs were removed in July 8, 2015, and can't be counted anymore. Profiles can be accessed by clicking "Home" and then "Profile" in the Home options, or by searching a player in "People."
- A more limited version of a user's profile can be viewed by accessing "" (replace the "X" with the player's User ID). See below for more information.
- On Sploder, the profile is the page were a member's games, awards, level , user descripion, member of the day status, online status, staff badges, friend list, favorites, reactions, actions, collections, group list, and comments are at.
- The personal profile of an account is where the player invests Skill Tokens into their personal skills stats. Once Skill Tokens are invested into either stat, they cannot be undone or retrieved. The personal profile also records the total experience gained, number of jobs completed, amount of achievements earned, total fights won and lost, amount of critical hits, number of kills and deaths as well as number of bosses killed. The personal profile is where players can see the mafia strength of the player. This section displays the size of the player's mafia as well as the type of inventory and the amount that are active. Although the personal skills stats are not shown to other players, the stats and mafia strength of each player are accessible.
- A man who survives a shotgun blast from a serial killer later identifies his assailant from a voice recording.
- Profile is the term given to the page, visible to other players, about a player or an alliance. This can be VERY Important is an opponent looking at your profile can decide if they might attack you or not! So keep it up to date and advanced Maybe some Profile Art?
- A Profile is a feature on Facebook.
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- Profiles are the member's/player's statistics of the game. Profiles show the member's number of kills, number of deaths, number of games played, and what rank they are in. The member can also change his/her pet and spinner. The member can also see how much credits they have to use in the Ballistick Store.
- On your Mafia Wars page, you can see all of the information about your Mafia Wars character by clicking on "Profile." Included on the profile page is the following information:
- A profile is "[a] set of descriptors that allows recognition or categorization of subjects."
- Profile is the player's personal profile (in Growtopia). It can be opened by using Wrench in your username. It shows your level, experience, achievements, quest step, mods you currently have, the amount of fires you put out, your inventory space, the note you are standing at, the world you are currently in, which worlds you own, if you are supporter or not, the number of carnival games you won, and the playtime of your hours and days. ▶ Unobtainable This item does not have any recipe because it is no longer, or was never obtainable.
- Having a profile on Wikisocial allows you to give other visitors to the wiki some information about yourself. Profiles on WikiSocial are created around users and are also used for promoting groups.
- The profile page shows quick information about a user.
- A collection of canon and fan profiles of the Violet Vindicator throughout the years.
- A profile is used to display various information about a resident in the profile window. A profile will always contain the resident's name, "born" date, account type and partner. Other information can be left blank by the resident. A profile cut is a type of prim parameter.
- Profiles are a type of page which shows a player's profile and this will contain statistical data on that player. Some of the data that is in profiles (info that is optional due to certain conditions is in italics) includes the following:
- When taken together, the characteristics are referred to as a profile. Each race or creature type had a 'typical' racial profile, which reflects the average values for a creature of that race. Of course, different individuals may well have characteristic scores above or below these, but it is still useful to know the profile for an 'average' creature of each race. A profile is written in a horizontal line like this: