| - The enemies here are mostly level 26 and 27 (and some level 29 enemies in Dragon Knight Saga). An anti-dragon zone protects the center of the fortress, where Xanlosch, Isabelle, and Stone are. The fortress consists of several platforms at different elevations, which makes use of your dragon form necessary. Unfortunately there are plenty of air defenses, such as ballistas, wizard towers, and nests that make flying difficult.
| - The enemies here are mostly level 26 and 27 (and some level 29 enemies in Dragon Knight Saga). An anti-dragon zone protects the center of the fortress, where Xanlosch, Isabelle, and Stone are. The fortress consists of several platforms at different elevations, which makes use of your dragon form necessary. Unfortunately there are plenty of air defenses, such as ballistas, wizard towers, and nests that make flying difficult. If you entered from the Orobas Fjords you begin in the south-central area of the fortress. You need to proceed west, then north to a teleporter (there are a lot of enemies and air defenses to contend with along the way, as well as a handful of chests to loot). If you entered from Broken Valley, you begin in the north-central part of the fortress, and will need to proceed west, then south, to the teleporter.