| - Among the Wood Elves of the Old World, the most feared and respected warriors are the Wardancers. They live for the glory of battle and dedicate themselves to reaching the peak of fighting prowess. They are also masters of courtesy and dance, performing their intricate manoeuvres with consummate ease and grace. Wardancers are to be found in many of the larger Elven settlements in the forests of the Old World. They prefer the company of their own kind, but often live a little way apart from the main settlement, practising their warchants and feats of arms while waiting for action. Wardancers may become adventurers for a number of reasons. An adventurer's life offers plenty of action and almost unlimited opportunities to hone their skills against a variety of opponents. They are wilder than the majority of Elves and some find life in the forests tame and dull. Wardancers may even take to adventuring among other races as a result of an unspoken disgrace or indiscretion, much (although it's unwise to make the comparison) as a Dwarf may become a Troll Slayer. Wardancers are distinguished by their graceful pride, their love of fighting, and their fondness for spectacularly dyed hair, often stiffened with tree-resin.
* Acrobatics
* Ambidextrous
* Dance
* Distract
* Dodge Blow
* Marksmanship (thrown weapons only)
* Specialist Weapon: Two-Handed Weapons
* Strike Mighty Blow
* Strike To Injure
* Transfix
* Warchant
* Whirling Death
* Hand Weapon
* Shield
* Spear, Two-Handed Sword, or Two-Handed Axe
* Initiate (of Adamnan)
* Judicial Champion
* Mercenary Captain
* Outlaw Chief Like all Elves, Wardancers are subject to animosity against Dwarfs and, in addition, they are subject to hatred against all Goblinoids. Wardancers (or characters who have been Wardancers) may not use any of the special Wardancer skills (Distract, Transfix, Warchant, Whirling Death) while wearing more than 1 armour point of non-magical armour on each location (shields excepted) or while using any weapons other than hand-to-hand weapons or thrown missiles.