| - Winn Adami was een ambitieuze Bajoran religieuze leider en de eerste gekozen kai na het einde van de bezetting van Bajor. Ze was een lid van een orthodoxe tak en kwam vaak in conflict met de Afgezant van de Profeten, Starfleet kapitein Benjamin Sisko. Uiteindelijk keerde ze zich tegen de Profeten en probeerde ze samen met gul Dukat, die haar uiteindelijk ombracht, de Pah-wraiths vrij te laten.
- Winn Adami was an ambitious Bajoran religious leader and the first kai of Bajor elected after the Cardassian Occupation. A member of a frequently outspoken orthodox order, Winn was steadfastly rooted in her faith even as she proved a shamelessly arrogant and treacherous opportunist. In that regard, she often came into conflict with the Emissary of the Prophets, Benjamin Sisko, who she considered an outsider unworthy of receiving the wisdom of the Prophets. After years of living in Sisko's shadow, however, and a lifetime of never receiving any guidance and affirmation from the Prophets who she had served and sworn allegiance to all her life, she eventually turned against them. However, she realized her error and died trying to undo it.
- Winn Adami was an intelligent and ambitious Bajoran woman who ascended the Bajoran religion in the 2360s and 2370s. She was always bitter towards Benjamin Sisko for being the Emissary of the Prophets during her time as Kai, especially as the Prophets had never spoken to her.
- [[Archivo:Winn adami.jpg|thumb|Winn Adami Interpretada por Louise Fletcher]] "Los profetas nunca me hablaron, nunca me ofrecieron guía, y nunca me confiaron los frutos de su sabiduría y ahora se supone que debo renunciar a ser Kai para ser bendecidos por ellos .." - Winn Adami, a Gul Dukat (DS9: "Strange Bedfellows")
- Winn Adami était une leader ambitieuse de l'ordre religieux bajoran. Elle fut le premier kai élu après l'occupation cardassienne. Elle fut souvent en conflit avec l'Emissaire des Prophètes, le capitaine de Starfleet Benjamin Sisko. Elle finira par trahir les Prophètes et tenta de libérer les Pah-wraiths avec Gul Dukat, qui la tuera finalement.
- Alias No information Origin No information Occupation No information Powers/Skills No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Villain No information Winn Adami was a Bajoran female who became the Kai, or religious leader of the Bajoran people in the 2370s. Winn was much more interested in the gathering power than serving the Prophets who were at the center of Bajoran faith. She eventually turned against the Prophets whom she had dedicated her life to and renounced them in favor of the Pah-Wraiths.
- thumb|Vedek Winn (2370) thumb|Kai Winn (2375) Winn Adami ist eine bajoranische Geistliche, die zunächst das Amt eines Vedeks bekleidet, aber 2370 zur Kai gewählt wird. Dadurch wird sie zum spirituellen Oberhaupt Bajors. Sie tritt die Nachfolge von Kai Opaka an. (DS9: ) Natürlich sagt Kai Winn das Treffen mit Commander Sisko nach ihrer erfolgreichen Wahl ab, da sie nun keinen Nutzen mehr daraus ziehen kann. (DS9: ) Kai Winn stirbt 2375 in den Feuerhöhlen von Bajor. (DS9: )